chapter 12 - the dungeon

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( Think of the image with a little more  light not showing through.) 


It wasn't long before Izzy, Jacob and Brother Jed to get back to the house. For Izzy everything was numb. It was like the world stop turning and time stop moving. Everything was still. There no birds singing, no tress waving. Izzy just wanted her family back. She wanted Luke and Willow back. The sky was turning black as Brother Jed started making the dinner for the three of them. the house was quiet and still. Jacob wanted to say something to make Izzy smile once more but he knew it wouldn't work. She was too upset that will and look are now gone and the may never see them again. It sad for both brother Jed and Jacob to see Izzy like this. It was heart breaking watching her looking out at the night sky. It was horrid to think Izzy has lost her glowing spark of happiness. Soon enough they were sitting at the small wooden table eating the food brother Jed had cook. It was some kind of stew. It was new to Izzy she hadn't eating something that was on a plate for a long time. It was a strange feeling. When they were at the cave they would mostly eat rabbit and deer anything the Luke could really get a hold of it was a shame for Izzy to not have a normal childhood she missed her mother but she is thankful for all the good in her life but when Willow came in her life it was like destiny had come and then Luke came it was like a new little family of some kind. Even though it was mostly cold in the cave it was like home and thought there was no lock and key for the cave it was safe. Izzy missed the cave. She missed her strange little family. The evening bells started to ring causing Izzy to come out of her daze. She started listening to the peaceful sounds from the bells it made her feel calm and safe. It was like magic that Izzy felt kind of better. she knew that brother and Jed will look after her but it wasn't the same without Willow and Luke. It wasn't the same at all. She just wanted to know where they were or if they were safe. "Finish up now you too, time to go to bed" brother Jed said to Jacob and Izzy "ok father" Jacob said. Izzy finished the spoonful that she was eating they pushed her plate away. "is that all you eating Izzy" brother Jed asked. Izzy didn't say anything just looked at him with a small weak smile "I'm full" Izzy said weakly. "ok then" brother said with a sad smile on his face. He watched as she got up from the chair and then slowly dragged herself to the room she will be staying in. Brother Jed didn't know what to do. He was to protect Willow. It was his job to hide her and look what that happen it his fault his friends are dead. Poor Jemma and Tom. He grew up with Tom. Childhood friends even their mother were friends. It was said to think that he couldn't even protect them as well.

Izzy was now in her grey room. There wasn't much only a candle for a source of light. She started to think about Willow and Luke again. "God, if you're listening." She took a deep breath " I hope you are, But if you are. I have two friends their names are Willow and Luke. There like family to me, they are in danger. There these bad people that was after us. I don't know if they are safe or even alive but if they are. Look after them. Help them. Please."

Brother Jed was now sitting by the window where Izzy once sat. He was looking at the same night sky that held a few stars. He was thinking about the past events and if there was anything he could of done. It was sad to think that Willow and Luke could be dead. He was hoping and praying that god will look after them and keep them safe. He hopes that they will return safe For Isabella sake. He was worried for her wellbeing. He would do anything in his power to keep her safe and Romeo too. She will not be alone in the crazy cruel world. Brother Jed looks out at the sky once more before retreating to his own room to go to sleep.

They dragged Willow forcing her up by her hair every time she fell to the ground. Her body was numb from all the pain. "Please" Willow said weakly "you're hurting me" she begged as she looks up to the man who was dragging him. He didn't say anything or even look at her. He just pulled forcing Willow to move faster. Willow could see the regret in his face like he didn't like what he was doing. He look somewhat nicer than the others and doesn't look no older then eighteen. Willow looked into his eyes as he looked ahead still dragging her along. She could tell that suffered a great deal of pain for some reason she felt sorry for him. "Sorry" the young guard mumbled to Willow making sure that none of the other guards heard him. Willow didn't know what just happened, did he just say sorry that's a first. No one ever said nice to her only her friends that she classed as family. God if you are listening, please look after my friends, the mean everything to me and if I don't get out of this please make sure that Izzy has a good safe life and she will always be with by Luke's side. "This is taking forever jack" the young guard shouted over to jack causing everyone to stop as jack turned to look over are the young guard. " the girl, she is weak" the young guard said as he held on to willows arm. "She can't go on for much longer" Willow was surprise with his words. She never said anything about that she could walk for much longer as of a burning ache going throughout her body. "Then carry her" jack said as he turned to walk again annoyed "the master wants her back as soon as possible" jack was angry at the young guard he didn't know why he was being like this. Jack would have been happy dragging the stupid brat all the way back to the master. He just wanted to have his father happy for once. Jack looked back as the young guard lifted the girl up gently with no effort. Willow slowly relaxed in his arms resting in his arms. She was confused to why he was being so nice to her. None of the guards have been this nice to her it if was jack he would of just dragged her all the way and pulling her hair to make her walk faster. Why this person so different. Why was he being kind. Was this some kind of mind trick.

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