Chapter 7 - The Story Of The Past

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Willow was still not back she was still upset about what brother Jed told her. Willow to think what brother Jed told her was real. But it felt so real like it really did happen her parents are dead. Willow remember the nightmares she used to have when she was little and waking up screaming and the guards shouting at her to shut up. And she remembers that they always said her parents gave her away because they couldn't love a child who was a monster. "your mother and fathers loves you Willow. We love you never forget that" a voice whispered making Willow jump up. She looked around for any sign of movement. But there wasn't any movement. She was alone. The words kept going around in her head" it was like she knew who it was but she didn't know who the voice belonged to. It was a voice from an old memory. She looked ahead of her. There stood a young woman. " hello" Willow shouted to the woman. The woman looked up and then smiled. " never forget Willow. Your parents love you" the woman said. Then started walking away. " hey wait. Who are you" Willow shouted running after the woman but she didn't see where the woman went. "Never forget Willow. We love you." The voice said again "mother" Willow whispered. At this point it started to pour down with rain. Willow just stood there with tears coming down her face getting mixed up with this rain that falling on her face. Willow always wanted to know what happened to her parents. Did they love her? Did care for her? Why did they abandon her. But the truth was that they did love and care for her. They died protecting her. Somehow this didn't make Willow feel happy knowing that her parents were dead. "I'm all alone" Willow barely said. But she knew that wasn't the case she had Luke and Izzy who would always be there for her as she would always be there for them. it was like they were distend to meet one another. It was like their pasts brought them together somehow like someone wanted them to be together.

Willow decided it was time to go back but she didn't know how to go back. She was lost. She sat down too tired to go anywhere. " Willow" a male voice shouted " Willow where are you" it shouted again. this time knowing it was Luke was shouting her but she was to tried and upset to shout back to him " Willow. Please answer me. I'm sorry about what happened to your parents but at least you got me and Izzy" Willow eyes grew heavy as the darkness took over. It wasn't long till someone was coming towards her "oh Willow, there you are. Come on we are going back" Luke whispered as he carefully lifted her up and began walking back to the house with Romeo by his side. Luke carried Willow all the way back to the house that Willow had ran away from. By the time they got to the house Willow was haft awake. Willow was hoping that brother Jed wasn't around she didn't want to see him. " brother Jed went home" Luke said placing Willow to her feet. Willow was happy that brother Jed wasn't here. "He was going to stay but it was getting dark and need to back to take care of his son Jacob and he also took care of Izzy last night too" Luke said in a calming tone Willow didn't respond. Luke looks over at her. It made him feel heartbroken knowing that she doesn't remember her parents and that she grew up thinking that they hated her for what she could do and thinking that she was somekind of moster but now that she learned that they did in fact love her, loved her with all their hearts. Till their dying breath. " I was worried about you Willow" Luke said as he walked over to her and took and deep breath and hold Willow arms tightly " you have to promise me Willow that you won't do anything like that again" Luke said in serious tone. " Luke I" Willow tried to say " promise me Willow" Luke said once more. " I promise Luke " Willow said as Luke hugged her scared of letting her go. Willow was unsure what to do but she slowly hugged Luke back with tears in her eyes "I'm sorry Luke for scaring you I wasn't thinking" Willow said in a quiet tone. "it ok Willow, your safe now" Luke said. They broke from the hug "you're safe now" Luke said again. Willow smile as Luke returned smiled "I just thought my parents. Didn't love me because of my power, how could they love someone that isn't normal, a monster" Willow said out loud "Willow you're not normal" Luke in a matter of fact tone as Willow glared at him with a confused look as Luke carried on "your special there is a reason why you got this gift. I would love to have a gift likes yours but I know I wouldn't be able to handle such power that you have" Luke wanted to make sure that Willow knew its ok to have sure power that she has. " I think this house would look great if it wasn't for this mess" Willow said changing the subject " yeah it would" Luke said unsure how Willow was feeling.

It was night time now and Luke was outside with Romeo. Willow watch from the window as Luke talked Romeo and gave him an apple. Willow loved the friendship between Luke and Romeo. They were like the best of friend and could truly understand what each other has been through. It really did look as if Romeo was listening to what Luke was saying. This made Willow feel happy inside. Even though Luke didn't have his family anymore he still had Romeo. As Luke walk back inside the house he looked over at Willow who was still standing by the window still watching Romeo. Luke walks over to Willow and stood next to her looking at the window. "I couldn't ask for a better horse" Luke said. He turns to face Willow "I think it's time you should go to sleep. You look tried" Luke said as he guided Willow over to a bed. Willow lay back on the bed and slowly fell asleep. As Willow was asleep Luke looked around the old messy house. "It could really need a clean" Luke said to himself. He started picking things up seeing what could be saved and what couldn't be. He looked for things that might be able to use again. He also picked up the broken plate the rubbish and rotten the food. Putting them in a bag and putting the bag outside the house. He manned the doors and fixed the flooring and got rid of any plants that were coming throw the window. Next Luke went outside with a sword that he found that was in the house and started chopping the some of the plants down but all of them. Luke like the idea of the house was hidden from the world. it was like the world wanted to keep the house hidden from everyone and anything. It was also like that the house didn't want to be found and that it was waiting for the return of Willow. It was a lovely little house. The last thing Luke did was put the paintings that once were on the wall back on the wall where they belonged. Some of the panting looked really old but they were still so wonderful to look at. Once Luke was done he looked around the house it looked better than it did but there was things that still to be done to restore its beauty once more. Luke then moved a chair over to the widow were Willow was watching Romeo. And slowly fell asleep.

Willow jump up. Still sitting on the bed. She has tears rolling down her face. Breathing heavily and loudly causing Luke to wake up and rushing over to her. Trying to calm Willow down, he put his arms around her rubbing his hand up and down her back for comfort. " it going to be ok you're going to be ok" Luke said in a calming tone. " my parents" Willow said so quietly trying to speak. " my parents are dead, their dead because of me. People wanted my power for the use of evil. Wanted to use me as slave for evil" Willow said as she buried her head into Luke chest. " their dead because of me" Willow said again as more tears came down her face wetting Luke shirt in the process. Luke lifted Willow head so that she was now looking at him. " their dead because a man with no feelings killed them. that man doesn't understand that what he has down was gave himself a curse that he doesn't know about. The girl he kept as a prisoner is stronger than he thinks. We are going to show him that no one can kill your parents and get away with it" Luke was angry why would some do this why did they take Willow away from a life a happiness and love. Why did they make her grow up in a rotten dungeon? He was angry with his father for being so hurried to him and he was angry at his sister for abandoning him and ignoring him when he was younger. Luke didn't know if his sister was still alive "I'm going to protect you Willow. I'm going to protect you with my life" Luke said. Willow smiled at Luke . "Thank you" Luke smiled back. Willow looked around her. The house looked cleaner. She thought it was her imagination playing tricks on her. But it wasn't. "do you like it. It not that cleans but it better then what it looked like. It took me most of the night. I fix some of things that I could fix but most of it I put to side for firewood" Luke said. As he got up and started collecting things and putting them in his bag that got of Romeos back. " I think it time we go back to the others. They be worried about you. And plus isn't any food around her and I could eat a big feast all by myself" Luke said smiling as he walked towards the door, " wait" Willow shouted as she got the picture of her and her parents. Luke smiled " come on Willow let go, Izzy will be missing us" Luke said as Willow smiled at him they both got on Romeo and headed back a different way back to the centre of the ancient city. As they got to Brother Jed's home Izzy ran out the house hugging both Willow and Luke crying Willow went down to Izzy level and hugged her "I was worried about you Izzy I was scared" Izzy said as tears rolled down her face. " I'm safe Izzy , I'm safe" Willow said as she picked up Izzy and carried her back to the little house they were staying at as Luke walked by her side.



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