chapter 17

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Willow and Luke were now deep within the wood. They haven't stop much only to rest for a few minutes before carrying on again. Both Luke and Willow wanted to get as far as they could from the castle. " do you know where we are going" Willow asks as she was unsure where they were she had a feeling that they are lost " yes of course I know where we are" Luke said " I'm a train hunter and tracker" Luke said in tone that Willow wanted to question but decided against it as she looks around her. Every tree looked the same to her but if Luke says he knows what he doing then she was fine with it even if she thinks that he doesn't. she was just going to wait till he admits it "Do you think Brother Jed will be looking for us" Willow questioned. Willow couldn't help but wonder what Brother Jed, Jacob and Izzy were doing. She had been thinking about them a lot since they were taking from the city. "I don't know" Luke replied " the brothers are complicated people but Brother Jed will do anything to find us" Luke said. He sounded so sure. The way look said it Willow believe him. "I wouldn't be surprized if they were having a meeting to decide what to do" Luke added. The brothers were one for gossip well the younger ones were. The brothers love debating things. Luke remembers one time they were deciding what to about do about changing the some of the rules. he wasn't there but Brother Jed told me. Said it took also a hole month but in the end it was to change in small ways. the brothers have an image to hold is what Brother Jed said. Even if they were having a meeting about saving them it was too late anyway as they have saved themselves with jona help. Luke was still unsure about him. Why did he help them. What was the end plan. Luke knew that jona was hiding something but what Luke didn't know but he knew he was going to find out somehow. He was just thankful that he did help them escape even if it was for a darker plan, If there was a darker plan. Who knows, Maybe he was doing it because he was a good guy. "Do you think they still following us?" Willow questioned. "I hope not" Luke said "I'm sorry Willow" Willow was confused why was Luke sorry for. She smiled at him as she grip a hold of Luke's hand. "it isn't your fault" it was true. If she didn't go with Luke when they first met then this wouldn't of happened. Luke and Izzy would be safe. " they would of ground us one way or another, anyway its mine they after me. The want me" Willow Luke put pressure on with Willow hand in way of to comfort her. They stood there holding hands. To them it was like time had stopped the world around them forgotten. The earth stood still. They were in their own world. Staring at one another that help like hours but reality it was only for a single moment of time. "What is it with this guy anyway" Luke said quickly letting go of Willow hand "why is he so obsessed with you anyway" Willow quickly came out back into the world. "What" Willow asked confused not know what Luke has said. "Why is that men. The master so obsessed in you". It was a good question. Willow didn't know herself. The master was kind to her when she was little but over the years as she got older his true colours showed when she saw the things he was doing to others. Sometimes she still dreams of the things that she saw. Horrible unthinkable things. She had to think. "he wanted what I had" she said. Luke didn't say anything as she carried on talking. "He wanted to use my ability" as she said this Willow started moving her hand making the water appear just above her hand. The water came from the river as she didn't know how she could pull the water out of thin air. Like what happened back at the village. She didn't understand how she did. She didn't understand her powers at all most days "He hated the fact I didn't want to use my ability to scare others. Not any more" there was a moment of silence. the natures song was the only thing that could be heard. " I will always remember those faces" Willow started thinking about when she did listen to the master every word. She started to think when she did use her ability to hurt others. Cause terror and harm to people. She didn't know at the time that they were good people. She listened to the lies that mastered said. "After I stop doing his bidding the dungeon was my home. As long as I can remember it was my home but it never felt like home" Willow was never able to open up before. "I became jealous of the villagers they had more freedom then I but they were still prisoners but they were not free from fear" "why didn't they band together to fight back" Luke asks. He didn't mean to say it. But he mouth move as he think it. Willow looks at him "I overheard the guards talking. They caught some men planning something" Willow said "what happened" Luke asks in wonder. "They went missing. The guards did something to them" Willow said. She do wonder what happened to them. To this day no one knows what happened. If they were dead or alive we will never know. Deep down Willow knows the answer that in a matter of fact that those men were dead. Luke didn't know how to reply to that so he did the first thing that came to mind and that was to hug her. as first Willow just stood there but slowly her arm wrapped around Luke as tears fell down her face like a river. A river full of sorrow and pain.

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