Chapter 8 - the past that is

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to the people that have already read this chapter i have added some more  find  the ---  as there is where i had added some more. 

 It was another day willow and Izzy were in the cottage as they didn't really have anything to do as Luke was out with Brother Jed to see if anyone wanted any help as he wanted to earn some coins. Luke just wanted to earn his keep even though Brother Jed said he didn't need to. Brother Jed always thought of Luke as family Brother Jed didn't mine that he had three more mouths to feed because at the end of the day it was his duty as a Brother to help all that is in need but Brother Jed was happy to see his old friend after many years of not seeing him or even hearing from him but Brother Jed had faith that god was looking after his friend like he looks after everyone.
For Luke it was felt good being back home seeing all the faces that he use to see every day when he was living there. It felt like he hasn't even been away for so many years. Luke would be lying if he said that he remembered everyone names but the truth was he different which annoyed him a bit as he used to know nearly everyone one within the small city so every time someone smiled at Luke and Brother Jed and waved as they walked by Luke started to think of their what their name was some would stop to chat with Luke and Brother Jed some Luke would remember the names of like Augustus. Augustus was the first person other than Brother Jed and his son Jacob of course. Augustus was someone who would look out for others he always had a heart of caring for others. He was only a couple of years older then Luke but it didn't matter about that. Augustus talked about all the things that had happened like that he was now married to a woman called Elosia and they had three children two boys Constantine and Valentine and a little girl called Easter. It was like old time between the two as they both forgot Brother Jed was there as well watching on with a smile upon his face. Augustus went to talk about their other friends Reuben who went into the farming business and Edmund who was now singing for a living and then vemon who was doing what he always did which was cause trouble but he was earning an honest living with mending things. As august went on he started to remember all the good times they use to have and started think about all the different they all where "we have to get together at some point" Augustus said "I have to go I see you later" he said as he started to walk away Luke smiled waved and shouted out bye which Augustus waved back.

"Willow can we go to the park" Izzy said as she was started to get bored as she stared at the plain old walls that surrounded her. Willow looks over at the small girl and smiled "sure" she replied as she stood up and started walking out the house with Izzy running after her with joy on her face. It was the first time that willow; Izzy and Luke were not together which a strange feeling was. Luke taught both of them how to ride a horse thought they got a long way to go before they are as skilled as Luke is with riding. Brother Jed even got the horses of their own with willow thought was too much but she didn't wait to sound rude so she didn't say anything and Izzy was overjoyed with having her own horses. Willow named her horse freedom and Izzy names her house royal.
It didn't take long for both of them to get to the small park which was basically a small square where all the other children were running around Izzy started to run off once she got the nod from willow and started to join in with the others as they ran around chasing each other. Willow smiled and went to sit under one of the trees where she could keep an eye on Izzy as she played. Willow enjoyed watching Izzy play she wished she was able to be a child instead being locked away in the horrid dark room. Even though she was now free she still feels trapped because out there jack and the men are still looking for her. Sometimes at night its where willows mind goes to the darkness of the control that man. Willow never saw his face not once and if she did it must have been when she was younger because she didn't remember. All she remembers is the pain and the suffering that happened. He made her use her powers for entertainment for his parties willow would dance to music still in changes so she couldn't escape. to the people watching it was the most magical thing they have ever seen but these parties never ended in the way a party should end where people would go home and merry it wasn't that kind of party it was all a front to get the invited people to come to just to see their last day. The people that wronged the master in some way. It was willow job to kill them but she could never do it so it was up to others to do so as willow was dragged back to her dungeon listening to the screams or terror which will forever be bedded within her mind. Willow wasn't sure how long it has been but Luke and Jacob were now at the park "Hello willow" Jacob said willow couldn't help but think that he sounded like brother Jed every time he would speak even though Jacob was Brother Jed son "Where Izzy" he added willow simple pointed over to where she was and Jacob went to see Izzy as he shouted thanks while Luke went and sat next willow. "How was your day?" Luke asks while watching willow movements "it's been good I guess" "you guess you had a good day" Luke said with a smile "how can you guess that. I know I had a good day in fact met some old friends I use to know a long time ago" Luke said with a smile as he looks at Willow. "It was a good day. I feel like I should be doing something though. They still out there looking for me" Luke could hear the sadness within willow voice. It sadden him to see Willow said as he turn to look over at Izzy who waved at the both of them which in turn Willow and Luke both waved back. " I just remembered Brother Jed wanted to see us about something" Luke said as he stood up " what about Izzy" Willow asks as she too stood up " she be find with Jacob" Luke replied while started to walk to where brother Jed told Luke to meet " plus it was the reason why Jacob came with me" Luke added. Willow and Luke both looked at Izzy as they walked away for the last time. She was talking to the other kids there and laughing you would know that she seen so much darkness since being with both willow and Luke.
It was a slow walk to where Luke was leading them to. It was a apart of the ancient city that Willow hasn't been too and willow thought she been everywhere for being classed as a city it wasn't all the big but the city is full of hidden surprises within every corner. There were some people around but it wasn't the normal dressed people that willow was used to seeing these people were mostly men dressed all the same some were middle aged and some were young. They all sort of dressed like brother Jed the only other brother willow knew was Brother Charlie. Some of the people, who walked past glances over at willow and Luke, some said hi. "This is where most of the brother lives" Luke said quietly almost like a whisper. Willow didn't reply she just looks around her seeing how different this part of the city was to where willow has seen already. She started to wonder what brother Jed wanted to talk about she really upset with him it pained her to know that she will ever know what here parents look like in real life only though photo she had she didn't even know what if she looked like them. When willow was back in the dungeon she always though that her parents were out there looking for her or fighting for a way to get her home which made her even more upset it was hard thinking for years her parents were alive  fantasising that family life though willow knew deep down she had a feeling that they were dead but that was the caused most of her anger to boil within her. Willow took the photo she had of her parents are looks at for a couple of minutes before putting it back. This action didn't go unnoticed by Luke

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