Chapter 6 - Discovering Willow's Past

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It's now been a couple of days since Willow, Luke and Izzy arrive in the ancient city. Willow could help to compare the city to the village that he met Luke and Izzy in. she took in every big and little detail of the magnificent city that when before her. Most days Willow would walk around the market place listening to the music and just people watching. She sometimes would collect things for the market that brother Jed needed. On this day that was what she was doing collecting things that brother Jed said he needed while Luke was with brother Charlie, the gatekeeper that they had met when first arriving at the city. They were catching up on things while Izzy was with Jacob. Jacob wanted to show Izzy the wonder of the city through his eyes so he took her all the places that the children of the city would play. The city was truly beautiful and so peaceful. It was such a magical place to be at. It was like every stone that had built the walls and homes of the city told a magical story of time kind. Willow loved that everyone within the city was always helping each other out when they needed a helping hand. They didn't care what had to be done that would take the time and help as best as they could. The market place had more stands then the one back in the village. The stands had all kind of different foods. Some which Willow had never seen before let along had eaten. She wonders what some of the food was. Willow was only to seeing mash and sloppy food. Rotten food mostly. There were children throughout the market playing and running as their parents were either on the stands working or buying from the stands. Willow fell in love with the way that the city made her feels. The city made her feel somewhat safe specially having the wall that surrounded the whole city. She had almost forgotten about there were people after her for what she could do.

Later that day Willow found herself with Luke watching as he stood next to Izzy as she was sitting on a back of a horse while Luke was holding a rope that was connected to the horse. Luke was teaching her how to ride a horse. Willow watched them both or awhile smiling at the pair before her. Izzy had the brightest smile her face. Brother Jed and Jacob were standing close by also watching the two. "You're doing great Izzy" Luke said. Brother Jed slowly walked over to where Willow was standing. "She can be a handful can't she" Willow smiled still looking at Izzy "yes but I wouldn't have it any other way" brother Jed laughed. "Hey Willow" Izzy shouted when she notice Willow was watching "look at me" Willow waved and gave her a thumbs up. "you look like a natural rider" she shouted at the girl . Both Brother Jed and Willow could see she was having fun. It been along time since Willow saw a smile like that placed on her petty face. Willow blamed herself it wasn't for her Izzy would be leaving a safe life back in the village. Why didn't she decide to trust Luke in the first place? Why did she not leave in the beginning? "Now try to stand on the horse" Luke said to Izzy. She looked at him like he was crazy. "What. I'm not doing that" Izzy said scared. "Trust me Izzy. I'm here" Luke said smiling at the young girl " now hold my hand" Luke said while putting his hand towards to Izzy it took Izzy a moment but she took his hand " I trust you" Izzy replied as she slowly started to stand on the horse back. "you see Izzy, Lillian wouldn't let you do that if she didn't trust you" Luke said Izzy smile was so happy. Jacob was shouted "that's amazing!" he was also clapping his hands. Willow was also clapping as well as Brother Jed who was smiling. Luke helps Willow of the horse. Izzy ran to Jacob "did you see what I did. Did you?". Izzy and Jacob were both jumping up and down like wild animals. Everyone was laughing at their silliness. "Crazy kids" Luke mumbled. "I don't want to leave this place. It so" Izzy said happily "feel so safe here. I feel like I been here before" willow said as she cut Izzy off she didn't meat to but it was a natural thing that happened. "How is that possible" Luke asked confused "I don't know". Brother Jed had heard what Willow said while talking to Luke. It hurt him knowing full well the girl had been there before. But he didn't think she would remember she was only a baby at the time. He knew he had to tell her the truth but he didn't know how she was going to take it. All the pain she been through, a girl her age shouldn't have gone through. He didn't know if Willow was ready to hear the truth. Willow was so innocent and she also had a calm and kind nature and that's why she was properly chosen as the water bender.

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