Chapter 4 - The Cave Life

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  The photos that i use are from the internet i do not own unless otherwise.


was going to post this today after thinking that it needs a little editing but once i found out that it needs a big editing and so does chapter 5 which may need rewriting not sure till i start that process.  will aim for today or during the week. 


30.10.2018   - i am still working on this chapter ive been adding things to this chapter about lukes background which is hard because i have to find the right place to add the flash backs so hopefully i get it done soon and then the rest would be easy to edit and write up. 


Willow was still in Luke's arms as they watched the men run past them. "I swear I saw her go this way" one said confused on where to Willow had gone. "The boss isn't going to be happy about this" another said. Luke smiled happily knowing that they are doom if they go back again without Willow. All of the men carried on running where they thought Willow went in. it wasn't till a couple of minutes after till Luke stood up " stay here, I'm going to see if it clear" Luke said as he disappeared. Both Willow and Izzy stayed as quietly as they could the only sound was the wind going through the trees. Luke suddenly appeared making both Willow and Izzy jump "they gone, it safe" Izzy ran to Luke hugging him tightly "it's ok now Isobelle. It's safe now" Luke said softly in Izzy ear as he looks up as Willow with a small smile. It wasn't long till they started walking again Izzy was in Luke arms asleep and Willow was now paranoid that the men were still following her. She knew no one was but she couldn't help but feel that way. Willow was still scared but she was trying to shake the feeling away as she kept thinking to herself that everything was ok. Willow started thinking about the ancient city hoping that we distract her from the way she feels. She started wondering about the things that might be there. Was it like the village that she had been to? What was at the ancient city like? Willow started imagining what the city would be like? Luke was also thinking about the ancient city. He was thinking about the life he used to have before he left for some reason he didn't remember for. It was a place that he used to call home once upon a time. He wasn't sure if his old friend would forgive him for leaving without saying anything or the people that took him in and look after him. It has been years since Luke step foot in the city he was meaning to go back but for some reason he never did. He couldn't face the people that look at after him. He didn't know what to say. Izzy was following them enjoying the company of Luke and Willow but she was now getting bored of the silence. No one has said a word for ages too deep in thought. Izzy was getting hungry now she can't remember how long it was been since they have eating something. "Are we nearly there yet? I don't want to walk anymore" Izzy said. "My feet hurt" she moans. Without saying anything Luke picked Izzy up from the ground " will be stopping soon" Luke said as he rubbed Izzy back while Izzy rested her head on his shoulder where she soon fell asleep.

It's been awhile since Izzy has fallen asleep. Luke and Willow still haven't said a word to one another. It was getting dark now and Willow was trying to stay awake so that she wouldn't be walking into anything. Willow was wondering if her mind was already asleep but it was her brain that was keeping her going if that was even possible. It was like they have been walking for many years without stopping. It has also started to slowly rain but it wasn't too heavy. It wasn't long till Luke stopped and spotted a cave that wasn't too far away. It was also well hidden from view. Luke only just made out it was there. "Come on lets go over there" Luke shouted over the down pour of rain that was getting heavier by the second. They all started running to the cave. Willow and Izzy following Luke as the run. It didn't take them long to reach the cave. " we will be safe here for now Luke said as he look around the cave. It was still too dark to properly look around but it looked like people use to live here or someone does live here. Luke hope they were friendly if some was still living here. Whoever is living here didn't have much. There was a small pile of wood. Lucky for Luke. He can start a fire and didn't have to wait for the rain to stop and then wait for the wooded logs to dry. " I'm going to start a fire" Luke said as he walked over to the wood pile. " so that we can get dry, Willow see if he got any spare blankets to wrap around Izzy she shaking" Luke said as he notice Izzy sitting against the cave wall hugging her needs. Willow look over at Izzy with sadness. The poor girl could ill. Willow quickly look in the bags that were soaking hoping that they were dry. Willow as acting she was in a race of some sort. Instead of a blanket she found a top that look like it belongs to Luke. She pulled it the bag and gave it too Izzy so that she could change to it. but she was too cold to even move so Willow help her get up and moved further in to the cave so that they were somewhere private. Once Izzy was out of her wet clothes. Luke handed her blanket and sit her near the fire. Luke and Willow were still wearing their wet clothes but they didn't care as long as Izzy was ok and warm. Willow and Izzy sat together while Luke was coking the last of the beans they that they had. "I'm sorry in taking so long" as he stir the beans in the meatal bowl over the fire " I would of gone hunting but it's too late and raining still" Luke added. as soon the beans were cooked Luke put them in to small bowls and gave one to Izzy and one to Willow and the last one for himself. After eating the beans it didn't take Izzy long to fall asleep. Luke but more of the wood on to the fire. then got up and started looking around the cave so did Willow. They were both careful not to wake Izzy up. The cave was so peaceful and looks so magnificent. It was like the cave was magical. Like it knew that they were going to end up here at some point. It felt safe and cosy. There were painting on some of the walls they weren't very big but it was so wonderful to look at. Willow felt like the painting were trying to tell her a story but she couldn't figure it out. Luke stood next to Willow looking the same painting she was looking at "the story" Luke whispered "it's so sad" Willow turn her head a Luke "what do you mean?" Willow asked. Luke looked at Willow with a small smile " the story that that someone has painting on here is about his or her family" Luke said putting his hand her back " I think it best if we get some sleep" Luke said guiding Willow towards where the fire is. Willow lay down on the ground as she wrapped a blanket around herself before slowly fallen asleep.

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