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im writing this here to say that im not changing anything big just correcting spelling when im coming across them as i read this book again and to remind me of the story. 
- Stephanie.  


It used to be a quite village. Everyone was kind and caring and like any other day it's started out as normal. People smiled at each other as they walk past each one another . Children playing along the streets not caring about anything, smiling and laughing. Running around everywhere. The elderly out for their morning walk as they feed the birds. But then they came the strange men. All wearing black. They started running around attacking everyone and anyone they could get their hands on. soon everything was on fire. the only smell was burning flesh. It was the only smell that was in the air. it wasn't long before the king got there. The king looked everywhere. Knowing who to look for. It didn't take him long to find him. "hello brother" the man said coming into view on his blackish brown horse. "Why are you doing this, just stop it. Leave the baby alone let the baby grow up happily and with a loving family" the king asks his good for nothing brother. "oh brother you don't know me at all do you. I'm doing this because I'm going to have the baby. I will stop at nothing to get what I want. I will have power" the king's brother smirks " I will become king" the kings brother said deeply and evilly. "You will never become king" the king shouted. "watch me dear brother" the king's brother said with a smirk " just watch me"

There was a long silence but you could still hear the screams of horror and the children's cry's. "You can stop this brother" the king's brother said "just give me the baby and this will stop. Their families will be safe no harm will come to them" the king didn't know what do. this is the second child that need to be moved to somewhere safe. The king and his men got to the first child in time and got the child to safety but this time the king brother was one step ahead of the king because he knew about the baby and what village but he just didn't know which baby it was. The king's brother also had more men then the king this time round. "You can keep them safe brother" the king's brother said calmly. It was like what the brothers said 'when evil come the four will come, when the four come the evil will fall'. It doesn't really make since but it's starting to become clear even though it hard to get your head around the whole thing. It's like the prophecy is going to happen and it not some legend that the brothers were just talking about like the king first believed. How can these children be born to do extraordinary things. " you can end the bloodlust. If you just give me the baby" the kings brother said. The king close his eyes knowing he wanted this to end it was hard to ignore the screams and cry's. The king did ordered haft of his men to help the villagers but some of them are now dead. But he couldn't hand over a new born over to someone like him who knows what things he would do. sometimes being the king you have to make a choice. And this one was one of them. soon one of the kings main guards came up so that he was next to the king. The king look other at him at the guard nodded his head. meaning that the new born and new born parents were out from the village and were safe. After some time the king's brother was getting inpatient. He was bored of the convocation the king and brother were having without moving his lips. " you have lost my dear brother. The baby is no longer here" the king said. "you have made me angry now brother and I didn't want to this" the king's brother said almost shouting at his brother. " but I'm going to anyway" the kings brother said as he smirk. "I'm going to kill you brother". The men that were with the kings brother stood behind him some on their horses waiting for the order. The king and his men knew what was going to happen next. The villagers knew what was going to happen they started to run to safety. The village was still on fire but it wasn't as bad as when the attack had started. It was a long wait but soon the kings shouted charge as the kings shouted charge to. Both sides began to run towards one another. They crashed into each other. They slashed their swords. men from both sides fell to the ground there was men screaming in pain as they got stabbed. The king and his brother had their eyes locked. Not daring to look away, Not moving a single muscle. Just waiting for one of them to make the first move. " what are you waiting for highness" the king's brother said as he laughed " are you scared" he added mocking the king. The smiled " I'm not scared of you my dear brother, I'm just said" the king's brother look at him " what do mean" he asked looking at the king he hated with a passion. " it's sadden to think about what you have become. An evil man full of hate. What happened brother? Why are you like this?" the king askes hoping he can talk to his brother that use to be kind and caring. " you happened dear brother. I should have been king" the kings brother said as he charged towards his brother making the horse run faster and faster towards the king. The king did the same. Both had their swords pointing towards one another. there was a loud crash as the two swords clash into each over. As the two horses went to each other their back legs flung up in the air causing both the king and his brother to go flying in the air. it was a race when they both hit the ground to see who would be the first to get up. Once both men were standing they ran into each other clashing the swords again and again. the remaining men from both side stop what they were doing so they can watch the fight between the two brothers. Either sides knowing who will win. Both brothers were covered in blood and dirt. " face it brother" the king shouted as the brothers crashed swords " you will never become king" the king said as they crashed swords again " not when you don't have the children on your side" the kings said as once again they crashed their swords. " it doesn't matter what you do brother" the king said before his brother stab him In the stomach" "the children will come together when it time" the king took in a painful breath "You won't stop them. they will come together and destroy you" the king said as his brother stab him in the heart. " I will never let that happen brother. I will find them one by one and make them do as I say" the bother said as he bend down to gently close the kings eyes. As he stood up again he pulled the bloody sword out. It was dripping with the king's blood. "Listen up men this is my village is now mine. This is my kingdom. If you do not agree you will be killed on the spot no second chances". This warning didn't stop an elderly man stepping toward from beside his wife. "you will never be my king" " why is that old man" the kings brother said "because I will not agree of your ways you are not a true king just a jealous man of his brother kindness. I will curse you " the dead kings brother stab the elderly man as his wife screamed in horror trying to run towards her husband but couldn't because someone was holding her back for her safety. " when the time is right the darkness will fall as the evil king screams in pain as new king is born" the elderly man said weakly said as he slowly stop breathing "does anyone want to say something". The now new king shouted . None of the villages said a word. Too scared to even move.

Time laps

"come on Jemma we are nearly there hurry will be in this city. Our child will be safe here." The young man said hurrying his wife along as she carried the new born in her hands . the kings men were surrounding them keeping the three villagers safe. " don't you get it Thomas we will never be safe always fearing for our lives. Never knowing who to trust. Who to turn to. We will Never be safe again" the woman said as the new born started to cry. " listen to me Jemma I will kept us safe as long as I can I promise you that I love you and our baby girl" Thomas said as they entered the city and were greeted by the one of the brothers " hello my name is brother Jedidiah"

After a year at the city.

Jemma and tom were planning their baby Willow's first birthday. It was only a couple of days away. Even though they moved to the city a year ago it's still feels like that it was yesterday. That they moved to the city and finding out that their daughter is special.

There was a knock on the door. Tom got up from the table and went to the door it was Brother Jedidiah. "Good morning tom. Morning Jemma" brother Jedidiah greeted. "Hello Jedidiah, how are you" tom said "I'm good how's Willow doing" Jemma walked over to Jedidiah "she doing well. She used her power again while I was giving her a bath the other day" Jemma said to Jedidiah "she special little girl" tom added as soon as tom said that a baby started to cry. Jemma went up to see to her but soon came down with the baby in her arms. Brother Jedidiah walks over to where Jemma was  as she got ready to past the baby over to him "hello Willow" Jedidiah said smiling. Willow laughed holding her hand up to Jedidiah face. All of the sudden the was water from the bucket from the other side of the room. The water floated around the room going around Jemma and tom and around brother Jedidiah and Willow. It was the most beautiful thing they ever saw.

Later that night couple of hours after Jedidiah had left and gone home. Jemma and Tom were sitting at the table eating the little food that they had while Willow was asleep in another room peacefully. Jemma and Tom were happily talking about their day and how much they love their little baby girl. All of the sudden they were a loud knock on the door. Jemma and Tom looked at each other wondering who that could be. They didn't know a lot of people. "Who will that be at this time" Jemma said. Before Tom even reached the small door it was knocked down. Men start coming at them scaring Tom and Jemma. What was happening? "Where the baby" a man shouted loudly "where is she, where is the baby." The man shouted again "Jemma go run, take willow with you" Tom said as Jemma ran to where Willow was. Jemma was trying to calm Willow down as she was crying. Jemma was scared they going to take her baby away from her and Tom. This can't be happening they were posing to be safe the king's guards said they were going to be safe here. Of course nothing really lasts but Jemma thought this time. This time everything would at least be ok. Tom was trying to fight the men that stormed into his home. Tom tried his best but that's all he could do because of how weak he is. "Master will have what he wants he will have the baby!" the man said deeply before killing tom and walking slowly following the cries of the baby. Jemma was holding the baby tight scared of letting her go. "We killed your husband. We are happy to kill you too" the man said walking slowly towards Jemma "but if you hand the baby over we will spare your life" the man added "please don't take my baby" Jemma begged as another man came to the room got hold of Jemma while the man that was talking took Willow out of her hands "please don 'take my baby. Please" Jemma cried out as the man stabbed her "Mummy loves you Willow and daddy loves you too we love you Willow never forget that" Jemma said her last words to her baby girl joining Tom in the after life

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