Chapter 15 Part 5: Auction

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You swung the door of the laundry room open, revealing a young lady who's tied up to a chair inside. You are expecting to see dirty clothes lying all over the ground, along with some powder and detergent that are stored beside the walls but what you saw is something you didn't even imagine.

"Mmhm-!" The lady, who you assume is Amy, shouted with a muffled voice. "Mmh, mhh-!!"

You quickly untied her, and you removed the tape on her mouth as gently as you can. Just like what Rebecca described, her hair is her greatest feature, and her eyes are as dark as the black night sky. She's very pretty too--- no wonder she has a boyfriend.

'Heh. I'm single but I have many husbands. Fictional ones, though.' You thought, shaking your head after while you remembered that you don't have time for this.

As you roam your eyes around the room, you noticed that the room was not properly lit, and it was not that dark either. It has some strong kind of stench, but it's not that one from clothes or the cleaning agents. Instead, it releases a scent coming from spices and condiments. Actually, you would have thought that this is the kitchen if not for Christine's last minute tour earlier.

You were about to type a message in your phone when something caught your attention, causing a question to pop in your mind.

"W-wait," you stuttered. "This isn't the kitchen, is it? Then why does it smell like this here? And why are there so many bottles and such in this place?"

You heard her sigh, "This is the place where the abducted ladies' hairs are turned to the condiment known as 'soy sauce."

You almost dropped your phone. "H-hair? Soy sauce? I-is that even possible---"

"It is. Apparently, human hair contains something that can be used to make the said product. I had no choice but to take part in its making," she explained, "it's not tested properly yet... but boss wants to sell it already to have some income rolling in---"

"Why didn't you stop him---"

"I would if I could! I even tried escaping and destroying the formula, procedures, and ingredients list but that only led me trapped inside here. Because of what I attempted to do, I'm going to be sold in an auction later!" She exclaimed.

"B-but because of what you created... people got sick." You stated. "That's why you should get out of here and help them---"

"Although I'm very grateful to you, I don't want to leave..." Amy muttered as she tries to stand up. "Congratulations for decoding the message but please tie me up again."

You flashed her a confused look. "Then why did you send the message saying 'Laundry'?"

"I wrote that before Boss threatened me using my own family," she replied. "I'm happy that a smart person like you lives on this planet."

"Regarding the thing you wrote, I can't take all the credit. I only succeeded cracking it with the help of Rebecca, your sister. She told me the subject you're acing," you replied as you reached for your phone. "Also, whether you like it or not, we need to get out of here. Especially you, Amy. Your sister is waiting for you."

"Rebecca? H-how is she?" Asked Amy. "Is she alright? How about our mothe---"

"I really want to fill you up with the details but the clock is ticking," you interrupted, "every second counts if we want to escape."

"Don't get me wrong. I told you already, I don't want to leave. I'm just aski---"

"Why? I will not let you stay here unless you give me a reason," you spoke. "Someone out there needs you. Your family needs you---"

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