Chapter 19: All-Nighter

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When the Moon Fell for the Sun
(Chapter 19: All-Nighter)

You bored your eyes unto the paper that is currently lying flat on top of your desk. With trembling hands you lifted it up as your eyes went up and down, scanning its contents. Red marks filled the document and you can clearly see the big letter 'F' located at the top-right part.

"Remember to study for the test tomorrow," the teacher spoke as he fixed his things, getting ready for his next class. "Especially that someone who failed. You know who you are, Y/n."

'What a nice way to keep it anonymous.' You heaved out a sigh after you saw the professor closed the door. 'He didn't really have to name drop because I already know that I'm the one he's referring to---'

"F-A-I-L-U-R-E," you heard a voice whisper at the back of your shoulder, causing some chills to go down your spine. You looked back and it was a grinning Maurice, the one who bullied eye-glasses boy 2 days ago.

You clenched your fists as you immediately folded the paper in quarters before shoving it inside the pocket of your uniform. You're not angry at him because of what he did to that boy, but because of the fact that you failed an exam and a person like him got to look down on you.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Asked the fairy who's showing a concerned look on her face. "I thought that you and Ciel studied so that you'll be prepared for times like this?"

'We did,' you mentally replied. 'I tried learning them all but 2 days for studies is just not enough...'

"So you didn't get to learn this?" She asked and you telepathically said a 'yes'.

"Look, don't be so hard on yourself for this surprise quiz. Besides, you can still pull your grades back up---"

The fairy wasn't able to continue what she is saying when the both of you heard Maurice drag a chair towards your table as he sat down on it. "Tsk, the last time we talked, you kept on blabbering stuff about the reason I should stop picking on that boy with glasses," he recalled. "You were so talkative that day but now you don't have anything to say? Oh that rhymed. I'm such a genius. And don't ever think that I'll forget the way you ran away like a chicken. You're able to do that before but next time, I'll make sure that you'll have nowhere to escape to."

You bit your lower lip as you remembered what happened on the first day of school, specifically when you found eye-glasses boy being bullied by mister kindhearted--- Maurice. A flashback appeared on your mind as you let out another sigh.

"Excuse me," you butted in their conversation just in time before the bully lands a kick on the poor boy. "The classes are about to start and it would be better for the two of you if---"

"Hah. Don't joke with me," Maurice smirked, adverting his gaze to you. "There's still 10 minutes before the first period in the morning starts. And it's just the right amount of time I need to be able to teach this brat a lesson."

"Y/n, don't you think that eye-glasses boy is familiar?" The fairy said. "He's not just the guy from earlier.. I think... I think he's also in the manga!"

'Manga?' You repeated in your thoughts. 'Round glasses just like Mey-rin's, some freckles on the cheeks, a student from the Blue House just like Ciel...'

"Could it be.." the fairy trailed off. "Could it be---"

'McMillan?!' You interrupted mentally. 'H-he is Ciel's first acquaintance here in Weston College! How did I forget him?'

The fairy shrugged her shoulders, with an 'I-don't-know-so-don't-ask-me' look.

"But for sure you wouldn't forget Maurice Cole, the MOST handsome student in this school--- but it turns out that he's just good at applying makeup, right?" The fairy made sure before you mentally nod.

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