Chapter 18: Early Fight

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When the Moon Fell for the Sun
(Chapter 18: Early Fight)

You stood in front of the certain house you were assigned to, right after the Welcoming Ceremony in the Principal's Office ended. You and the boy with glasses separated ways too since you have different houses. You also haven't seen Ciel ever since you step foot in this school, and you think you can't bear to let him see you after what you have just read on the bulletin board.

With a sigh and a heavy heart, you passed through the fences in your dormitory as you carried your belongings.

"The Green House?!" The Little Fairy shouted. "H-how?? I'll understand if you got assigned to the Violet House since you're weird and all but Green House?!"

"Thanks, that really helps me," you sarcastically replied. "I---"

"Tell me how, Y/n! All you ever did was snatch a gun from a man by acting there was cockroach in the comfort room and use the said weapon to shoot a person three times, completely missing the heart!" She continued. "Is that even considered as sports or martial arts?!"

"I don't want to be in this house either, okay?" You sighed. "I would be happier if I ended up in the Violet House even if some weirdos are there--- and mainly because it's Derrick Arden's dorm so the mission will be easier--- but I am assigned here and we can't do anything about this."

The fairy heaved a deep sigh as the both of you opened the door.

Green Lion's Dormitory.

It's one of Weston College's four dormitories and it houses students who specifically excel in sports or martial arts, just like what the fairy said. This is the last dorm you wish you're in. You don't know why and how they are able to classify you here but all you're ever thinking now is how you'll be able to help Ciel in his mission--- or those 6 days of training will be for nothing.

Of course you know how the events will fold out since you are familiar with this ark but, you can't just tell it to him and his butler. What if the said events will fold out differently from the way it did in the manga, just like what the star said in the letter? You don't have it in yourself to give him a wrong or made out of 'pure guessing' type of information.

But let's say that nothing will change and you are not affecting anything at all. Even if that's what's bound to happen you still won't spill anything because they will obviously wonder how you are able to know what will happen in the future--- and you will be marked as suspicious in their eyes.

You shook your head when you remember that you don't have time for this. You were looking for a place in that building that is vacant, but all of them are taken already. You passed multiple rooms, and all you saw were fellow students and dorm mates that are settling and fixing their things inside.

"But Y/n, didn't you notice that the timeline already changed?" The fairy shared her insight, bringing back the topic once more. "This happened earlier than expected."

You nodded at her words. At the time the both of you heard about the infiltration of Weston College, you quickly searched it up on your phone. You and the fairy quickly scanned the contents about the said school so that you'll remember and have an idea on what you'll face here.

"Ciel needed to take a spot from a student here named Colett to be able to investigate," she continued while the both of you keep on looking for an empty space for you to take. "And Sebastian became a dormitory teacher of the Sapphire Owls."

"But now, the both of you enrolled and I saw Colett's name on the board earlier," she added. "Many unexpected things can happen so don't let your guard dow---"

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