Chapter 10: Sleepover

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When the Moon Fell for the Sun
(Chapter 9: Sleepover)

"Y/n..." You woke up at the sound of Sebastian's voice while someone taps your shoulder lightly. You slightly opened your eye, a bright light welcomed you from the carriage door, causing you to close your eyes again.

"Hey Sebby," you called, rubbing your eyes then yawning, making sure to cover your mouth. "Five more minutes, please?"

"What a fine sleep you have there. We're already here," you heard him reply. You opened an eye— making you look like you're winking. You saw Sebastian staring at you and you also caught sight of Ciel at the corner so you glanced sidewards, seeing Ciel staring at you too. You suddenly felt conscious and awkward so you quickly sat up straight and fixed yourself.

You wiped your face with your white towel that you always have in case you drooled on your face.

"Don't worry, you didn't drool all over your face," Sebastian suddenly whispered, making you blush out of humiliation.

"L-let's go inside already," you suggested. They followed you inside the manor and you pushed the doors open for Ciel and when he got inside, you followed him in his room since Sebastian needs to do his chores in the manor.

"Do you need anything, Young Master?" You asked.

"Well, I'm bored." He replied briefly, letting himself fall down on top of his bed.

'Why is he always bored? Doesn't he have paperworks? Not that I wish he's busy..'

"After all those long walks and delicious food? Do you have any work to do?" You asked.

"I actually enjoyed the trip earlier and no, I don't have any work to do."

"Then, I have a great idea! I will be back in a minute," you said, dashing out of his room towards yours.

"What idea, Y/n?" Your fairy curiously questioned.

"You'll know," you grabbed something in your room and quickly headed back to Ciel's bedroom.

You entered his bedroom and there he is, sitting on his bed, not moving an inch. "What's that?" He asked, crossing legs.

"It's a laptop." You proclaimed proudly, expecting some "wow's" coming from him. In fact, you actually received one. A very sarcastic one at that.

"Oh wow. A laptop."

"But this laptop is very, very amusing, Young Master!" You exclaimed and walked towards him. You sat down beside Ciel.

You then opened your laptop, and typed your password, with an aura of confidence surrounding you. Your laptop let out a well-known sound, letting you know that you successfully logged in. You hummed happily as the screen flashed all your folders, apps, but you froze as it revealed...





Your damn wallpaper.

Yes. Your wallpaper— a very high definition one. And, it's not any kind of wallpaper. It's (your favorite picture of Ciel). You nearly threw your laptop in surprise and embarrassment. Automatically, you leaned on the other side and you quickly changed your wallpaper to a classic (F/c) one, making sure that he didn't see anything. You suddenly heard an 'oof' coming from your fairy, who's peeking from your shoulder, but you shrugged her reaction, keeping yourself from saying 'shut up'.

"So what are we going to do with that?" He inquired with his bored tone. One can obviously tell that he's not amazed and surprised with the laptop you just showed him.

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