Chapter 9: No We're Not

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When the Moon Fell for the Sun
(Chapter 9: No We're Not)

"Thank you again, little fairy," you said with a slightly apologetic tone. You owed this little fairy a lot, especially for removing your eye bags several times already. Actually, you're not sorry for making her remove your eye bags many times but, you're sorry for not following what she said last night. She kept on reminding —no, more like commanding you to stop watching some videos on your laptop and just sleep already, but, no matter what you do, you can't sleep. You can't sleep especially when some booty-short-lover pulled you by the hand and hugged you. That's your excuse, because deep inside, you're thinking the about the reason why Ciel walked out.

Honestly, you would like Ciel to hug you instead of Alois but, you can't. Hugging Ciel means that you'll have another reason to go back to the modern and real world because, one of your wishes are fulfilled. You started to feel hopeless because of your unrequited love.

"HeY! WhO tOlD yOu ThAt It'S UnReQuItEd LoVe?!" The little fairy shouted, making you cover your ears.

'Isn't it an unrequited love? And why does she keep on reading my thoughts? Anyways, who wouldn't cover their ears when a fairy sat on your shoulder, and then shouted at your ear?'

You felt your eardrums explode— not literally. It's just what you felt.

"Don't shout at me, especially at my ear! Where do you think is the person you're talking to at? At the other side of a mountain? I'm right here! You're not shouting at a person who's currently at another country right now, aren't you—"

"Blah, blah, blah. Whatever you say. Just remember that I, the self-proclaimed gorgeous little fairy, and your number 1 shipper, will make sure —by any means until my last breath— that you and the Earl Ciel Phantomhive, even though he's working with a demon, will be together and will live happily ever after! Amen!"

'Oh, Wow. Is this little fairy somehow my fairy godmother?'

"Hey, I believe that I didn't tell you that Ciel has a contract with a demon. How did you know? Don't tell me you have your ways again, huh?"

"You can say that but, to be more precise, let's just say that I joined you when you watched some videos in that big, black box. The box is amusing, I say," she said. It's kind of ironic especially when she told you not to watch anymore.

"I think it's amusing because, beneath that screen, those cute, handsome, and beautiful characters fit and they can even play their role perfectly. They do it inside that thin screen! Can I go inside that screen and meet them?"

'What? She thinks that the characters are really inside that screen? Is she joking? Yeah, right. She's not human and she's not from the modern and real world after all.'

"Actually, I watched almost all the offline videos that you have when you're asleep but then I was bored so I just tried pressing all the buttons in that box— I mean laptop. And then I also checked all the folders and pictures and blah blah blah. I made them color blue with that blinking line but then I accidentally pressed some button so, all of the folders disappear. Don't worry, it's okay, I think that laptop is better without those folders because the folders are way too messy. I just did a little cleaning, that's all. Anyway, the button's label is... uhm.. del—...icious? del—...ight? I'm sorry, the word is in the corner of my mind."

'Wait, what? She just did what?'

"Wait, wait, wait. You did what?" You asked, stopping on your trail.

"I. Cleaned. Your. Laptop. You're welcome, you don't need to thank me," she said, raising her head high and adding some sarcastic tone and a pinch of pride. 'Does she expect me to thank her for deleting my files?'

When the Moon Fell for the Sun (Ciel x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now