Chapter 18

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A man's voice started to speak.

"So you want to end the game? Brian the game just started, do you really want to give up so fast?" The man sounded familiar, I figured it was him talking to me. I answered back,

"What do you mean 'the game just started'? I saw everything that ever happened to me since I moved here!" I screamed.

"Oh Brian, don't be like that. You know Shannon was going through the same thing before you moved in... Oh and who could forget about Jordan." He then made a very sinister and evil laugh. What did he mean by Jordan? Maybe Jordan was the first one to experience this before Shannon did.

I looked up to see Jordan. I was in the woods. He was running. He kept turning his head to see what was behind him. He was terrified. Was this my fault? Did all of this start because of me? The wound! My back! The wound was gone, but how? I took off the very light, black jacket that I forgot I was wearing. I held it out in front of me. Nothing, there was no blood. I reached to my back where, surprisingly, I felt no pain. There was no cut, no injury. I felt okay, better actually.

I heard a bloodcurdling scream in the distance. It was horrifying. It was Jordan, I knew for sure. I saw something move exceedingly far in front of me. I ran to see what happened. He was lying on his back. He was on the ground, he was holding himself up with his arms. He was looking up at something that I could not see. It was invisible to me. The more I focused on the invisible object he saw, the more it started to form. It was enormous, black as night, and petrifying. It wasn't what I saw in the woods earlier. It wasn't wearing a cloak like the others. It was standing over him, watching him. I didn't move. Jordan was shaking, he wasn't trying to escape. Why? Why isn't he doing anything? He should be running for his life right now! I stared at him, he moved his eyes over my way. He spoke,

"Who are you? Don't hurt me please!" He cried out. I saw the thing that he was looking at before, look at me. it was gone, right into thin air. I looked back at Jordan.

"You... You..." I stuttered. "You can see me? How?"

"Who the hell are you? Are you going to kill me?" He asked. I don't think that he met me while this had happened. I thinks we met after this moment.

"You don't know me? I'm Brian." I told him. He took in a deep breath of air and then answered.

"I don't know anyone named Brian." I didn't know what to say after that.

"I live in the off-white colored house." I told him. He gave me a confused look.

"Then who owns the house that connects to the woods? Then who- you know... lives in the house?" I questioned

"What? No... no one. No one has lived in that house for years. You know what happened there, right?" He asked me.

"No, what do you mean? What happened there?" I was completely oblivious to what he was talking about.

"There were numerous mass murders there! Nobody's lived in that house since I was just a little kid. I," He told me a story. He took multiple deep breaths of air. He started to talk again.

"I knew the kids in that house. There were three children. I was sleeping over at their house one night. I was the only one who made it out alive that night." He stopped talking for a moment. He began to cry from what I could tell. But really, who would blame him. He was just a little kid when all of that happened. I didn't want to make him more upset than he already was.

"You know," I started. "You don't have to continue if you don't want to." I felt bad for him.

"No, you need to know what happened." He answered back. I sat down on the ground.

"A man came in the house claiming that he had left something in the house years before they moved in. They had let him in the house because when they had first moved in they found boxes in the attic." Attic? Since when did I have an attic? He continued,

"When he went into the attic empty handed, he came out with a knife. We, the three of us, we're all watching from another room. He... he killed their mom. We tried to make a run for it. Like I said, I was the only one who made it out alive." He was finished talking. I didn't ask for anything more.

"Okay, but one thing. How do we get out of here?" I asked him hoping that he would know the answer and he did.

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