Chapter 1

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"Mom! I don't want to move!" I shouted with annoyance and anger.

"Brian we have to, after your father... You know." My mother stated.

My mom started crying so I decided to hug her. My father passed away about a week ago. My dad and I didn't have one of those 'father-son' relationships like in books or movies... Hell, even in real life. I had one of those relationships where your dad was always working and didn't get home before you went to bed at night and left before you woke up in the morning. This was the everyday routine. This is what gave me all the time to read scary stories and learn about all of the urban legends, I never was hanging out with my parents.

When I had sport games, he never showed up. When I was in plays- even if I had the lead role, he never showed up. It was like he never wanted to see me. I was told to never to go to sleep angry with someone because anything could happen to them. My phone and computer have been here longer with me than my dad was ever there in my entire life.

The night before he died, I had a play, and I was the main role in it. He knew about it and I guessed wrong that night, I actually thought that maybe he just might show this time. I told him days earlier, weeks earlier, well I didn't but I heard my mom speaking to him about it when he got home from work.

You can't really blame me for staying up late on a weekend night. They both were in the kitchen just talking about  their day and then my mom started talking about me, and how I was acting differently when it came to him. I couldn't blame her, I had been acting differently. I told her to please ask him about maybe taking off work on the weekend to spend time with me and she said she would say something about it to him. I was listening more carefully to make sure that she did ask him. Not long after, she did ask him, he replied with his usual and overused "You know how hard work has been lately and I can't really miss a day, let alone _ days" bullshit.

There was really no way of him ever getting out of work, why did he even get married, why did he decide to have a child, why did my life suck so much? Can anyone ever answer those questions, really? I don't even want to bring it up with mom now that dad's gone.

I just have to wait, wait until she has gotten over the fact he's gone. I still went on with my 'normal' life, it was like he wasn't even gone since he was always at work so much when he was alive.

It was going to be hard for me to make new friends and easier for me to make new enemies... And maybe I'll see some ghosts and become best-friends with them like some cliché book or movie.

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