Chapter 16

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I peeked my head out of the door. It was my room. I walked in and looked out the window. It was bright outside and I had realized what was going on around here. I was seeing all the things that had happened to me ever since I moved here. But why is it showing me these scenes? Who is the one showing me the scenes? What is him? I mean he was the one who killed Shannon. He was also the one who had cut my arm. Why all these random scenes? Maybe, I thought. Maybe someone is trying to show me things I hadn't noticed before. I walked around a little. I thought about things that had maybe looked different from how they normally look. That's it! I remembered he stole my pocket knife and framed me for the cut on my arm. I slowly walked over to the closet. I pulled open the doors. Before I even thought about looking for the knife I looked at my hands. I was astonished. I was able to open the doors, am I just watching this scene or am I in the scene? I looked in the dark closet. On the shelf, there sat the knife. I grabbed it and started to walk over to the bathroom to hide it.

As I was walking, it fell out of my hands. I got down on one knee and tried and tried again to pick it up. I think I might have actually gone insane. I didn't stop until I heard the front door open. My bedroom door was closed, so I walked through it. I saw myself walk in the front door and my mom right after 'me'. I walked back through the door because I knew this was when I had got on my computer and looked up 'Ghosts'. I watched the door because I remember he slammed the door after I had typed it in. I looked at the floor where I had dropped the knife. I looked every where. It was my fault for the cut. I dropped the knife. He took it.

I began to cry because I had realized most things had happened because of me. Shannon died because of me. I sat down on my bed. I watched as I got cut and I noticed it. I noticed that if he really wanted me dead, he would have killed me in that moment.

"I guess you know more now." I heard him say. I got up from the bed. He paused what he was doing. Everything I saw froze. It looked like someone had paused a video. He looked at me, not the old me, the ghostly version of me. Seconds later I heard a huge dark evil laugh. It wasn't daylight anymore. It was dark, the TV turned on and 'I' was lying in my bed. Nothing was frozen anymore, I looked at the clock next to my bed. It was midnight.

I saw the TV turn on to the weird pictures and clips. The one of my gravestone. I sat right in front of my TV. Watching it, making sure I saw everything. That's when I saw it.

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