Chapter 25

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"What happened? What do you need to tell me? What's so important?" I asked frantically. Hell, I just got shot.

"Calm down Brian." She put her hand on my shoulder. She continued to speak. "You call him 'him' but you should know that his real name is Robert," She paused for a minute. "Hill, Robert Hill. He was your uncle. So that technically makes me your late cousin." I couldn't believe that he, I mean Robert, was related to me.

"Why was he trying to kill me then?" I asked confused.

"He was trying to kill you because he could never have a child. He was a lot older than your father so he waited until he had you. Robert always wanted a son, so he tried killing you so you both could be together in the afterlife." She told me. I sat there thinking for a long time, mainly because I couldn't move without feeling like I'm dying. Not very long after, a nurse came in and told me that my mother was on her way over.

"Are you okay? What Happened to you?" My mother yelled to me even though we were just a couple steps away from each other.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I didn't want to tell her what happened because I know she would think I'm insane. She would probably think that I was imaging him and that all of this was because I had Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I don't, this was all real.

"What happened, Brian? I want -correction- need to know." She told me. What's the good of keeping your entire life a secret from your own mother? So... I told her. I told her everything. She asked for what happened. She listened the entire time, about an hour went by telling her everything. She said nothing the entire time until she said one thing.

"You expect me believe this?" She asked in an annoyed tone. I can't believe her! I told her everything that happened to me! Fuck, I was shot by Robert! I could have died. I could have told her that a robber came into the house and I tried to save Jordan but, I didn't because she 'needed' to know the truth.

"I told you everything you asked for! I told you more than Jordan knows and you know that I tell him everything!" I yelled at her. She was mad at me but, that was okay because I was mad at her too. After I told her everything and didn't lie once, she still thinks that I'm lying to her. I asked her to leave and that was the end of that conversation.

A few days went by where nothing significant happened. I was still in the hospital. Of course, Jordan came and visited me and I caught him up with a few things. Olivia stopped by a few times telling me that he knows that I'm still alive. After hearing that, I know that I will have to stop him.

"I will stop him, I will kill him before he kills me and I die. He wants me to be there in the afterlife with him, I would rather go to hell than that. Actually, being with him would be my personal hell." I told Olivia one day.

"There is no way of killing him, he's dead remember?" Olivia reminded me.

"You're right about that... But I guess that means I will have to banish him." I said with a straight face.

"You've gone completely crazy." She said with a small laugh and then it went away. "You're serious aren't you?" She stared straight at me.

"Very." I'm doing this. I will find a way to banish him.

"Only witches with extremely high power can banish ghosts' especially evil spirits like him." She explained.

"Can the spirits of witches still do spells or rituals even though their dead? And do you know how to contact other spirits?" I asked her. Hoping both answers would be yes.

"Well, if I'm not wrong they can. And I do know how to contact others. Why do you ask?" She said.

"No reason." I didn't want to tell her what I was thinking. She would stop me if I told her. She then left.

A few days went by, I was getting better. I was told I could leave if someone came to pick me up. Hoping my mother was over what had happened the last time I saw her, I called her and asked her to pick me up. She said nothing to me the entire time I was with her. Again, I saw the disturbing people. This time they were different. They were all on their knees in almost a praying position. Good thing their heads were facing down and their eyes were closed because that would be pretty creepy if they were watching me while praying. I could hear them whispering words. Were they praying for me? Maybe they knew the wrath of Robert. Maybe he's keeping them dead, keeping them as ghosts in this town.

When we arrived at my house, the ghosts were pointing at me and nodding their heads. As if what I saw at the hospital wasn't enough to give me nightmares. There was one in the crowd of them that I noticed. One of them looked confused and wasn't doing what the rest were doing. I told my mother that I would get the mail, only as a distraction for what I was really going to do. Once I saw my mom walk inside the house is when I walked into the crowd. There I saw who I thought it would be and happiness came roaring over me. It was Shannon.

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