Chapter 13

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After they had left my basement I could hear them walk all the way up to the front door and then I heard the door close. I got up onto my knees and began to look around from where I was kneeling. After a few minutes of seeing nothing, I got up and started to head up the stairs. When I got up the stairs and closed the door behind me, I felt a coldness overcome my body. I looked to my right to see the front door swaying when I was sure I had heard them close it. I thought it was kind of weird so I started to walk toward the door in a very slow manner. When I got to the door I walked onto the porch and looked to my right and left to see if anyone was there. Nobody.

                After looking toward my left I kept my head in the same position because I had felt uneasy on the right side of my body as if something was there. I rolled my eyes downward just because if anything was there, I really didn’t want to see the face first. Seconds before I was about to see who or what was standing there, I felt a light tug on my arm. I swallowed what I think was all of my faith and I turned to see the face that was waiting for me. She was tugging on my arm with all of her might. She was the girl who helped my earlier. She wasn’t saying anything, which shocked me. She was obviously in a state of panic, but what freaked me out was the way she was acting. She had been so mature and calmed earlier, now she looked like she had just seen a murder and her mouth was glued shut.

                “I have an idea, come with me.” I wasn’t sure if it was going to work or not so I was willing to take the risk. She shook her head side to side and didn’t break eye contact.. I started to stutter and try to think of a new plan since she obviously didn’t want me going anywhere. I finally found words, but it wasn’t a plan,

                “Is there someplace or somewhere that you want to take me or show me?” Her reaction changed. She started to nod her head. She reached her arm all the way until she was on the tip of her toes. She put her hand on my eyes and closed them. After what felt like a minute, she took her hand off my eyes and I opened them. I couldn’t help but scream,

                “Oh my god!” I raised both of my hands to cover my mouth. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. They were all there, staring, pointing and surrounding my house. My eyes shifted from face to face. Even though all of their eyes were completely black I knew they were looking at me and at my house. I had no words for what was going on around me.

                “What is this? What’s going on? Who did this?” It took her a minute to understand the questions. She then grabbed my right hand and ran. She ran and pulled me through all of them. I didn’t like hitting into them because I thought that it would probably anger them. Then again, I really didn’t do anything except try to survive. We ran into the back yard and she then slowly raised her right arm. She pointed straight, straight into the center of the woods. I knew that I shouldn’t have moved here. I didn’t want to admit it at the time but I thought this place was kind of creepy when I first saw it. I kind of knew something was wrong with it.

                I let go of her hand, took in a deep breath of air, and started to march toward the woods. She ran up to me and started to yank and pull on my hands but I shook it off. She did this all the way until I was at the end of my property line. I stopped at the end and turned around. I saw her, knelt down, and looked into her eyes.

                “I have to do this. There is nothing you can do to stop me.” I got back up and looked forward at the back of my house. I then felt uneasy. Hands were about to grab me, it looked like multiple people were about to take me. They grabbed onto my arms and yanked me into the woods. I have to do this.

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