Chapter 21

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It was just a few minutes away from being completely dark outside. We started to spin around looking for those things or him. We did this because something had to be making the sun set so fast. We both stopped because we both had gotten dizzy. Jordan's back was facing me with his back to the barn. Then, that's when I saw it. It was standing right behind Jordan. It was gigantic and pitch black in color. There was no face, it looked more like a skull than any face I've ever seen. It looked like someone covered the skull in tar. It has two horns on the top of its head. There was legs from what I could tell. Its arms were long. Its blank stare and no movement freaked me out. There it stood without moving over. I looked at Jordan as he was trembling in fear.

"Jordan, it's right behind you. We have to go now!" I yelled. He turned his back toward me and raised his right arm to the thing and shot it. I covered my ears with my hands. The sound echoed a few times. Birds chirped and flew off the trees. Jordan shot his head to look at its face, he dropped the gun and ran. I was running just as fast as he was. He bolted away and I couldn't find him. I stopped right where I was to see the barn in the far distance. The thing still stood there and it turned toward me. I froze in fear as it stared into my soul. The blank expression it had haunted me and it will for the rest of my life.

I kept running. My phone, I remembered I had it in my pocket but now I can use it. I took my phone out of my pocket and began to call Jordan. The phone rang.

"Jordan?" I asked. "Where are you?" I breathed deeply into the phone.

"What do you mean? I'm at my house. Did something happen?" He asked with a confused tone in his voice. He sounded fine.

"How did you get to your house so quick? You were just outside with me... In the woods." I announced.

"What are you talking..." Jordan stopped talking for a minute. "Are you talking about what happened a couple months ago at the barn?" When he asked, I froze. A couple months ago? Wait, he said he was at his house.

"Yeah, um never mind that. What time is it?" I asked him randomly. He answered with 7:37pm. I blinked and it was no longer that dark outside, it was brighter. Did the time just change? That means that today was the day that he came into Shannon's house and the little girl showed up at my doorstep. I turned around to see the barn and the thing standing in one of the windows. I hung up the phone and began to run home. Maybe the game ended? Or maybe I ended it when I called Jordan? It didn't matter now. I ran for a good 5 minutes and that's when I saw it. It was a door standing in the middle of the woods. I walked up to it and around it. I opened it, I mean what could go wrong.

I opened the door just a sliver and I saw a hallway. He standing at the end of it. I closed the door slowly and quietly. I turned around to see Jordan and Shannon's mom, Veronica. We were in a closet. She was trying to open a door on the ceiling to get to the attic. I knew that this was going to happen. That this was going to be my next place to find out more. I did exactly what I had done before. I kept watch. When we got into the attic I looked around from where I was so that I wouldn't make much noise. I saw a box in the corner, it was a little larger than a shoebox. I reached for it. When I got it into my hands I wasn't in the attic anymore. I was back in the woods. standing in front of the door I opened. I walked around it and began to run forward. I finally got to my backyard. This hell-ish nightmare was finally over. I walked around my house, into the porch, and opened my front door. I ran up to my room. Right before I walked through my bedroom door, my mom began to speak.

"Brian, where have you been all day?" She asked cheerfully and then smiled.

"I was hanging out with Jordan." I said nicely so that she didn't get concerned about anything. I continued to walk into my room. I opened the box to see something horrifying. There was a note in Shannon's handwriting. The note read- 'This is the only was to destroy Fear.' Sitting in the box, there was a horn. I guess the things that I called things, she called 'Fear'. I understand why she calls them that. She wrote multiple pages of information about them. She wrote things along the lines of killing them, why they are called Fear, and what they do. The only way to kill one is to stab it with the horn of one that had died. The one thing, about the information she wrote, that shot out from the rest was what she said about their name. There are two reasons they are called Fear. The first is because they thought a name that meant 'scary' would cause the human not to look for them. The second reason is because they knew that the name would be too hard to look up information on if it was a simple name. That's when I got to the part she wrote that changed everything.

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