Chapter 19

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I extended my arm to help him up. He grabbed my hand and spoke.

"I remember the way I came in here. Come with me." He demanded, I didn't disobey. He reached into his pocket from what I could tell and took out a compass. He started to walk to my right.

"Smart." I said aloud without realizing.

"Thanks," He said with a smile until a frown overcame him. He opened his mouth to speak.

"I've been meaning to ask you- how did you get here?" He had a point, I mean, in his eyes I did kind of pop out of nowhere.

"It's - It's kind of a really long story." I told him. He replied,

"Yeah, well I've got time." He smiled hoping I would tell him. I had no choice, I didn't want to be an asshole.

"Okay, but you can't tell anybody about this story. Promise?" I raised my arm up for a handshake. We shook hands and I began to tell him the story though I didn't tell him about Shannon dying. After telling him about how he put me into this game. He began to speak,

"So this right now isn't really happening?" I tried to give him an answer but I couldn't.

"I don't know. I really just don't have an answer to that right now." He nodded and looked down at his compass as we kept walking. He didn't seem too disappointed with my answer.

"I don't blame you. It must hard watching yourself do that type of stuff." He said. I decided to ask him if he knew who Shannon was.

"Do you know anyone named Shannon?" When I asked, he looked at me strangely.

"Yeah. How do you know Shannon?" He asked with a confused voice.

"I know her because she is my neighbor." I told him. I really didn't want to tell him that she died, but he has to know that she dies.

"She... died. He showed me her death." I told him what I saw from her death.

"That's impossible." he said in a not-so-loud voice. Of course, I asked what he meant by that because I wanted to know the truth like always.

"Why would that be impossible?" I asked without a lot of confusion.

"Well since you say you know her, then you know that she did witchcraft, right?" He said with a little hesitation.

"What?! She never told me that!" I shouted and stopped walking. Witchcraft? She did witchcraft, since when?

"Yeah," He sighed and continued to talk. "She's been trying to stop. She just can't do it. She is always saying spells, lighting candles for no reason, and performing rituals. I'll hear her muttering from time to time and when I confront her she claims that she wasn't doing it, that someone that she referred to as 'him' did it. She blamed him for everything that she was doing." I could tell that he didn't stop talking because he just didn't want to continue talking, it was because he had nothing else to say about it. Jordan sounded very annoyed while he was talking, nothing else just annoyed with the fact that she didn't stop. He probably doesn't even know that he actually was doing it. After a while of walking and saying nothing, Jordan asked me a question.

"How did Shannon die?" I, surprised at the question, responded.

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