Chapter 24

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I opened the door to see Jordan and his mother tied up to two different chairs. They looked like they both just got into a huge fight. They had cuts and bruises all over their bodies. In the middle of the room was the thing that started all of this shit. Him. He turned his head slowly to look at me. A smile grew on his face.

"Looks like we have company." He said while looking at Jordan and then at me with a large disturbing smile across his face. I couldn't believe this, what would happen if I walked in? We could all die if I make the wrong move. I looked over at Jordan to see him lip the words "I have faith in you". He had said those words to me once before, a while before all of this horror stuff started to get more frequent. He said those words when we had projects in school and I was nervous to present, when I did things at all he would say it. I can't let him or anyone die, I wouldn't be able to live knowing that both of my best friends were dead. I walked into the room but took a large step inside so that both of us could walk in.

I stepped to the side to reveal the little girl behind me to him and Jordan. He gasped and Jordan's eyes opened wide in fear of her.

"Olivia, why are you helping him?" He asked with sudden anger in his voice. How did he know her?

"I'm helping him because I hate you," She paused for a moment to see if he would react or remember something she knew about. "You killed me... How could you forget? I was your daughter!" A chill ran down my spine and the feeling of the room changed. I stared at her, her face was red. Her hands were fists and she was shaking in anger. I turned my head back to him and noticed that he actually looked scared of her.

"What about the other boy, the ghost boy I sent to tag along with you." He asked her surprised. "I did a ritual, he was supposed to be stuck with you forever." I thought about it for a minute... Now I remember. He's talking about the boy who was with her the first time that I met her, when she saved my life.

"I sent him away on a little journey to hell." She said with a large smile and a happy tone. "He's never coming back." She said plainly while shaking her head.

"H... H... How? You don't have power like that! I know that you don't have power like that." He tried to process it through his mind.

As all of this was happening, I noticed that Jordan was slowly untying himself and setting himself free. After a few minutes of Him and Olivia yelling at each other, Jordan finally broke free and grabbed the knife that he left on the side table next to the chair Jordan was tied to. Jordan held the knife in both hands and raised it above his head. He stabbed him in the back and he yelled. He screamed in pain as he fell to the ground. He's dead, finally. I looked at her and she smiled. I took the knife out of his back and a bit of blood shot out. I put it on the ground and ran over to Jordan's mother and helped Jordan untie her.

"So you weren't lying about all of this." She said still unsure of what was going on and nodded. I helped her up the stairs into her bedroom. Jordan and I told her to rest and we would call the police and clean up what happened. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, we saw him standing back up again.

"You really think that you can get rid of me that easily?" He maniacally laughed and grabbed the knife I left on the floor. He backed away from us, opened the door, and then tossed the knife out of the house. He then went up to one of the bookshelves and removed a few books to reveal a handgun. He aimed it at Jordan and shot. I jumped in front of him and fell to the ground. I was shot. I saw him disappear and Jordan drop to his knees and try to see if I was still alive. I was bleeding out. I told Jordan to call the police and as he did, I fell asleep. I awoke in the same hospital I was in before.

"You just don't get a break, do you Mr. Hill?" I heard a voice say as I opened my eyes only to find out it was the same doctor from before.

"No, I don't, I never do." I answered the doctor as he flipped through the papers in a folder. He put the folder down and said that there was a visitor for me, I thought it was my mom until she walked in. It was really Olivia.

"What are you doing here, Olivia?" I asked her.

"I have a lot of news for you, Brian." She responded.

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