Chapter 10

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I fell asleep in the police car. Once I woke up and we were at the police station, I knew I would be there for a while. It was still dark outside. While I was walking my way to the room where I am going to be questioned, the other police officers looked at me like I just stabbed someone. Which is probably what they actually think. When I got inside and sat down in the weird room with the one way mirror, I noticed something weird.

I stared at the mirror the entire time. The more I stared, I started to see something forming in the corner. I couldn't take my eyes off it. The police officer started to ask me questions and when he did, all I heard was a muffled voice. He had to tap on my hand a few times, which were handcuffed to the table. Then the only light in the room went out.

The police officer cursed. The police officer got up from his seat, made weird movements for about a minute, and then went up to the mirror and put his face all the way on it until I got concerned the mirror was going to brake. He started to speak in tongues. He started to speak more quickly with every word. He stopped and turned around to reveal blood running from his eyes, nose and mouth. I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried to yank off the handcuffs.

The door then opened and the police officer who was just bleeding vanished into thin air and walked into the room. He turned on the light. I was extremely confused. Five seconds ago he was bleeding everywhere and then walks into the room.

"What the hell is going on?!" I shouted at the police officer.

"What are you talking about? I told you before, this is about the girl you murdered!" He, after realizing what he had said, then replied with "I'm sorry, I did not mean to say that." I looked at him with complete shock.

"I killed no one! I told you the truth earlier!" I yelled at him and then another officer came in and made the first officer leave. After that night of questioning, nothing happened for about two days. I went home The day after the questioning and my mother grounded me. I told her I would go crazy if I didn't communicate with other humans, she bought it and let me go to see Jordan. When I got over to his house we talked and talked because it's been weeks since we actually spoke. As we were speaking, he brought up the death of Shannon.

"I knew her since we were both little. I just can't believe she's dead.... and she died in your backyard. Before you moved here, Shannon was always afraid of your house. She would always tell me these stories of someone standing in the windows and in a blink of an eye they would be gone. She remembered seeing two men, very different from each other. She had said one of them had green eyes, brown hair, really tall, and was always wearing. And she said that the second man was shorter than the first, muddy, and the most bizarre thing... she said he lived in the woods." After he said those last few words, the room was cold and I felt a breeze. I knew who Shannon saw and Jordan was describing, this was the thing I've seen. I have seen that man-thing before. Jordan continued to talk,

"Remember those dreams you had a few weeks ago?" He asked

"Yeah, what about them? What do they have to do with Shannon?" I frantically asked.

"Days before you moved here, she was experiencing those. Shannon was one of those ghost believers. She was always into that every since I met her. Again, she stopped being herself when you moved in the house. She became a skeptic, stopped watching those ghost television shows, and she got rid of anything that had to do with ghosts and the paranormal." After he had told me that, he looked away for a minute and then told me that it wasn't my fault that I moved into that house.

"We should go to see her mother and make sure she is okay." I suggested.

"Yeah, let's go." We went next door and knocked. Shannon's mother was holding a tissue on her nose and her eyes were a light type of pink and full of tears. She didn't say a word and gestured us to let us in. We asked if we could see Shannon's room and she let us in the room. We looked at the posters, pictures, and other decorations.

We smiled and laughed about what she had. She loved animals, she had tons of pictures of them. We looked through all the boxes she had. We noticed she loved to read books. While looking through the boxes that had books in them, I found a very strange box with a weird book inside.

There was strange drawings of trees, disturbing trees. There were also pictures, vintage pictures like the ones that were square and had an area of white around it. They were decades old and very easy to rip. There were two photos that stood out from the rest. They were pictures of the men Shannon had been seeing. I knew who both of these men were.

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