Chapter 5

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Okay, that's enough. I turned my head while shaking it.
"I have got to stop this! Imagining things that aren't really there? Yeah, sounds crazy I know!" speaking to myself, I got lost walking home. I guess I must have crossed the sidewalk. I wish I could shake this feeling of being watched. What's wrong with me? For those last five minutes I had been staring at my feet. As I looked up, it got cold. Like Death was walking among us, type of cold. The sun was gone, fog filled all of my view.



What is this sound? It's extremely loud, it was killing me. At that moment, I heard walking. Loud walking. As time went on, it got faster and faster. The signs about what street I was on disappeared, eventually so did the sidewalk and road. Gone.

The loud beating, gone. Gone as if it was never there. I got concerned. What the hell was going on? I, unwillingly, since there was nothing left to do, turned around. I turned around. I started to run the other way. Any other ideas? I ran, I ran as fast as I could. I started to realize something, I wasn't running out of breath. But, there was something I did notice. It was that the fog was fading away. It became hot, the sun was out. The only sound I heard now was an ear-piercing ring.

I now know I'm, for sure, crazy. Not going crazy. I am crazy. After this moment, I just hope to wake up. Hoping that this is all just a horrific nightmare. I know any second now, I'm just going to wake up drenched in sweat. Within seconds it was gone, just like everything else.

"Brian! Brian! Are you okay?" Someone was shouting.

Why can't I see anyone? Why is someone shouting for me, I'm right here. Something is wrong. Please help me.

"Brian, I'm the doctor," A doctor? Am I in a hospital?

My eyes opened, I gave up everything I was doing just to open my eyes. It might have been a good idea to listen to the doctor.

"What happened, Brian?" My mother asked. She had tears in her eyes. She was shaking.

"I wish I had the answer, but I don't even remember falling into whatever I was in." I turned to my mother. She closed her eyes and grabbed my hand.

"Brian," the nurse interrupted.

"If you weren't conscious when the doctor tried to explain what happened to you while you were out, I'll tell you. He said that you probably tripped, hit your head, and fell into a coma. Brian, this, what I'm about to tell you, might be the hardest part to take in. You died, you were pronounced dead at 5:49pm."

Fell? Is that really what they really believe?

"Sadly, there's more. It was how you were found. You weren't found on the sidewalk, you came into the hospital... screaming. You were covered in blood." She sounded like it was her own child that experienced what happened to me.

"You were screaming, "It's coming! It's after me!" then you collapsed." She then left the room, shaking.

These people are crazy. Tripped, hit my head and fell into a coma? While I was in the hospital??

Right now couldn't be anymore confusing than it is right now. What was chasing me in that dream? How did I fall into a coma? Why... did I die? What woke me up? The real question I was trying to avoid was "What was causing this?"

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