Chapter 17

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Author's Note: This chapter will be short but I really tried to make it as good as I possibly could. THANKS FOR 600 READS! Keep reading :)
Enjoy the story!!

The gravestones had names on them that I should have noticed before. When it showed the gravestone about me having a normal death, it said the names of people I knew who had died years before. I saw a few of aunts and uncles I never even met before.

The horrific gravestone about him killing me had names I didn't want to see, ever. It was the names of Jordan, Shannon, my mom, and my dad. They all said the same thing that was written on my gravestone. That's not all that I noticed, though. I noticed someone in the bushes behind the gravestones. There, standing still, was him. I looked closer to see the group that was wearing cloaks before in the bushes all the way to the right of the screen. I saw their faces. There was only one thing creepy about what I saw. There were nothing on their faces. No eyes, no mouth, no noses, nothing. Those things were talking earlier. Talking.

I heard myself react to what I saw on the TV. When was this going to end? What was going on outside of this hell? My mom is most likely wondering where I am. I've had enough of this. I can't take it anymore. I've been forced to watch one of my only friends die, I was the reason he got the knife, and my mom probably thinks I'm crazy! All I am seeing is my most awful memories of this life I'm living. I didn't want to do this anymore. I am done with this game. I tried to get out but I couldn't. I couldn't walk through anything. The windows were shut and so were the doors.

I got frustrated and started to stomp around my room. I walked over to the window to see Shannon dying. Of course I screamed like the idiot I am. I was enraged and I threw something out of the window. I was somehow able to pick up the clock that sat on the table next to my bed. I looked down at my hand. How? How come I wasn't able to do that before? It didn't matter now.

A bright blinding light started to break in through the window. A fierce wind rolled in. It was strong. I shielded my face with my arms. I tried standing against the wind but there was nothing I could do. I fell to the floor, the wind pushed me to the wall. The corner of the dresser that my TV sat on stabbed me right in the back. The pain was unbearable. I extended my arm to my back as far as I could until I touched the spot where I got hit. Blood and lots of it. I pushed myself off of the floor, barely making it to the wall. I leaned against the wall. I moaned in pain when my injury touched the wall. The wall was cold and hard, obviously. The reason I did this was in hope that the pressure of leaning against the wall would cause the bleeding, not to stop all the way but to at least stop a little. That's when it happened.

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