Chapter 2

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It's time that I talk about my school. My school has the worst teachers EVER! My first period class, language arts, has a really slow talking teacher that repeats what she said over ten times! Sometimes, I notice weird things happen in class. I will see things move from one place to another all on its own.

My second period, Math, has a teacher that talks really fast and won't slow down. She doesn't repeat what she said, its so hard to take notes in her class. When she's in the middle of speaking, she'll look over at the door as if something was there telling her something.

Third period began with Social Studies, the class known for getting in trouble with the teacher, she would yell at you for taking notes and when she came around the room looking at all the students work... she didn't yell at me! She really didn't yell at me, she would walk by me smiling and the person next to me could be breathing and they were in the principals office for a reason that was 'unknown'. She told the class that they cheated, was stealing things from the teacher, or even throwing little paper balls rolled up at her. I've seen her take kids who have done nothing wrong down to the principal's office. It wasn't any of them who threw the crumpled up piece of paper at her.

Fourth period was lunch were my friends and I would sit near the window which was also near the woods. The woods freaked me out, well kind of. On the other side of the woods were my friends houses and my house.

Fifth period, I had Spanish, which is probably one of the most boring and confusing classes of them all. Most of the time the teacher spoke in Spanish and I only knew a few words. The teacher always yelled at the class because they barely raised their hands, then she would choose the same kids over and over again. She would get mad at the kids in the class if they didn't know what she was saying or what was going on. I could swear that sometimes she wasn't speaking in Spanish. To me, it honestly sounded like Latin.

Sixth period was science, nope, nothing wrong with science just a really nice teacher with a good attitude. Nothing paranormal ever happened in this class, probably because it farthest from the woods.

Seventh period was gym on "B" Days and elective on "A" Days. My elective was music, it was good because the teacher let us talk about music and artists, also he let us listen to music. Gym was terrible if you weren't athletic, like me. Like science, nothing ever happened.

Sometimes I notice that the teachers don't act like themselves, sometimes like they're possessed. I've also noticed that at certain times of the day they look very uneasy about everything. If one kid drops a pencil, they jump. Sometimes when I stay after school and I'll see them acting completely different from their normal selves. Since the library is two floors high, the classrooms on the second floor that surround the library have windows that allow the students to what's going on in the library. I remember one time I couldn't think of anything to write on the computers in the library and I looked up at my classroom window. The lights were being turned on and off over and over again... Until The lights were finally off and I saw my math teacher slam her head against the window. She did this for a while and I could see her mouth moving almost like see was trying to say something.

"What are you looking at?" Shannon asked moving her hand in front of my face. I looked at her and then back at the classroom window. My teacher was gone.

"Uh... Nothing, I- I was just trying to think of something to write about." I lied.

"Well, you should write something scary because when you were staring off into outer space you kept muttering something. I think it was "I will get you."." She explained. I looked at her and then looked at the computer and began to type up my story. I get it now, she was saying "I will get you"... But who was going to get me?

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