Chapter 14

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I got knocked out. Before I knew it, it was night. I could barely see anything. When I woke up I was lying in front of a bonfire. On the other side of the bonfire was a group of people. They were all wearing cloaks. I couldn't see the color. They were talking in a huddle.

"What are we going to do with him?" I heard one say.

"Should we kill him?" One asked with hope.

"No. We shouldn't, it's a horrible idea. He wouldn't want us to do that." I listened more carefully to hear what they were saying

"Why wouldn't he want us to kill him? He is the target, right?" The one of them asked.

"He is the target, but there is a few reason we shouldn't kill him. One, he would probably want to kill the little bastard himself," He shot a quick glance at me and I closed my eyes to pretend I was sleeping. Once it felt like he wasn't looking anymore, I opened my eyes a small bit.

"Two, he gave us the job of just capturing him. He never told us to kill him." He began to walk away. He then added.

"Oh, and if any of you decide to kill him, there will be more than just one dead body." He threatened. He continued to walk away and they followed him. Once I could not hear the sound of leaves and branches breaking with every step they took, I sat up. My arms were in the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. I raised them to see if I had gotten a cut. When I raised them, they were covered in bruises and cuts. There were bruises all up and down my arms. They looked like they were human hand prints but I knew what was wrong with that conclusion. The 'fingers' were much more longer than normal human fingers. At the end of each individual one, was huge long deep cuts. I think they were... fingernails. If all of these cuts and bruises were the result of those things that were talking earlier, I'm screwed. I was scared to find out how they attack. I checked my pockets to see if I had anything on me. Nothing.

I looked up to see a large dark fog roll in with a fierce wind. When the wind got to me, I could barely keep my eyes open. I stood up as fast as I could. I took a fairly large stick and started to run the same way the fog and wind was headed. If something was in the fog, I didn't want to be anywhere near it. As I was running I started to hear sticks and leaves cracking. The leaves were everywhere but it sounded as if someone was walking on them. I could have sworn it sounded exactly the same as when the things in the cloaks were walking. Were they actually planning on killing me? Or... maybe this isn't them. Maybe it's actually the 'him' they were talking about. Is the guy they were talking about the same one who cut my arm a while ago? How did he have my pocket knife before I could get to it? Never mind, right now I shouldn't be thinking about how he did grab the knife. What I should be thinking about is running for my life.

I didn't stop running. I was running for at least two minutes. I turned my head around and kept running forward. I turned my head to see the fog gaining on me. There was nothing that I could possibly do to stop this. There was only one thing. After a few seconds of thinking, I slowed down and started to jog. The more I thought about how dangerous and terrible the idea was, I started to realize that there was no other option. I stopped jogging, I turned around and closed my eyes. My heart was racing, but then again I was running for over two minutes straight without stopping. When the fog had came closer. I could feel the air get thicker with every breath I took. I've been in fog before, though I have never been in such heavy fog. The fog was very dense like the air on a hot and humid summer day. Once the air got lighter, I opened my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see... my backyard. I looked around it was complete darkness outside. I could see a light coming from the window where my room is. "Something is not right here." I told myself. I didn't move, I just stood there watching as the inevitable was sure to come. And just as I guessed, it did.

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