Chapter 9

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I closed my eyes, of course I'm not afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of what's in the dark.

"If you won't go, someone will!" The voice shouted into my ear. He was very aggressive. I unhurriedly opened my eyes and turned my head. Nothing. The sound of my sigh of relief matched up perfectly with the screams coming from my backyard. I was paralyzed with shock. I never wanted this to happen. Why me? Huh? Why did this all have to happen to me? I couldn't move.

After an hour of rethinking what had happened. I never even noticed the police had came just thirty minutes ago. I was able to move again. I shook my head and turned around to the window, peering, I saw police outside of my house. They were in my backyard, one of them saw me and pointed a light. I backed away just in time and hoped he didn't notice.

About a minute or two later I heard a faint doorbell ring in the distance. I walked out of my room, down the hall, sneaked past my mother's room, and arrived at the front door.

"Hello, young man. May we come in?" The policeman spoke about asking me some question and things along the line of that. I let him in just because I didn't want to seem too suspicious. I turned on the kitchen light and then pulled out a chair to sit down. The police officer who spoke earlier began again,

"So do you know why we are here?" He asked like he thought I did something.

"No, I don't," I lied to them and continued to answer. "I was sleeping walking or having a nightmare and I woke up and looked out my window, but that's all," I didn't feel bad about lying, it was just that... what if they make me take a lie detector test? If I do take one, and tell them a different story (the truth) they will probably become more suspicious about me.

"That's it? Do you want to know what happened?" He asked.

"What happened" My breathing became more heavier as he began.

"Well, first I have to ask you a question. Did you know a girl by the name of Shannon?" He questioned.

"Yes, she was my neighbor. She was one of the only friends i have here. I just moved here not that long ago. What happened to her?" I shouted at him. All of the horrifying thoughts were racing through my head at 3,000 miles per hour. "I didn't want anything to happen to them. First it's my father, now it's one of my only friends." I whispered to myself.

"What did you just say? What happened to your father?" I couldn't hold it together. I started to cry and my cold hands covered my tear-covered face.The police man interrupted,

"Just give us a moment to talk." I nodded while still crying and trying to calm myself down. I heard one of the policemen whisper to another.

"Do you think we should take him down to the station for questioning?" He whispered

"Yes, he is acting very strange. I think he is a suspect, I mean he lives in the house. The girl died of unknown causes with scratches and bruises all over her body." He was whispering in a not-so-quiet voice.

"Where is your mother?" The first policeman asked.

"My mother? Well, she is sleeping in her room right now." I answered in a concerning voice. While wiping the tears away. "Why?" I asked.

"Because we want to take you down to the police station to ask you some questions." I didn't say anything and then went into my mothers room and woke her up. She asked what was going on and told her I was being taken to the police station for questioning because there was a death. When she asked where and when the person had died I answered with"in our backyard" and "about an hour or two ago". I refused to look her in the eye because I was scared about what she would say to me. When I was walking out the door, she told me "Good luck, I love you" and I had responded with "I love you too." and walked out the door into the police car. Did they think I killed Shannon? I would tell them what was really going on, but I thought they were probably going to throw me into a mental asylum.

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