Chapter 26

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Author's Note: I am in the process of writing a sequel to The Woods that will be coming out soon. *UPDATE* The sequel has came out.

"Brian, how long have I been dead?" Shannon asked me in a confused tone. I can't believe she's right here in front of me.

"A while," I told her. "What were you trying to do before you died anyway?" I asked her curiously.

"Um... I don't remember." She looked at the ground for a while trying to think. Does everyone who die forget what happened before they died? A minute went by until she looked up at me and said "I remember now!"

"Um... I was," She paused a few times while talking to remember exactly what she did. "I was trying to bring him... Robert... um back to life." She paused for moment, closed her eyes, and then started to rub her eyes with her index finger and thumb. She started to speak again. "I was trying to bring him back to make it easier for you to kill him. You know, make him mortal." I couldn't help but stare at her. I mean, I hadn't seen her for a long time and she did say that she tried to resurrect Robert.

"Oh... Okay. Then what are you doing here then? I mean, why aren't you in your afterlife?" I asked her craving to know the answer.

"I... I was sent back. I was told I had to come back." She looked confused even though she knew the answer. Who sent her back?

"I sent her back. I knew what you were planning. She was the only witch you knew, nothing ever gets past me Brian." A voice came in. It was Olivia.

"Who knew nothing could get past a nine year old?" I said accidently. I was kind of glad I said that but not too glad because she could really kill me if she wanted.

"I heard that Brian." Olivia remarked with an annoyed tone in her voice.

"Brian," I heard Shannon say.

"Yeah?" I asked her curious to know what she wanted.

"How are we going to kill Robert?" She asked me. How did she know his name was Robert? Did he tell her?

"Um... Well I was thinking that you could use your magick and do a banishing spell or ritual." I told her. She looked like she had something like a secret to tell me.

"I can't use my magick because I'm dead," She paused for a moment and looked down at the ground. "But, I know someone who can help you." She looked right into my eyes. "Come with me. We need to go into my room." She started to walk to her backyard.

"How? What if your mom asked what I'm doing?" I pulled on her arm to stop her.

"My mom isn't home, look at the driveway. We have to be quick so we can get in and get out." She informed me, I let go of her arm, and we kept walking. We got onto her back porch only to find out that the doors were locked.

"Stand back." She moved her arm up and then turned her hand to the right. We all heard a small click. I opened the door and we all walked in. "We have to go upstairs." Shannon ran up the stairs and opened her bedroom door. She scavenged every box and every part of her room. After a few minutes, she finally found something. "Here," She handed me a small box with a lock on it. "Everything you need is in this box." She said with a smile.

"How do I open it?" I turned the box around to see the front of the lock.

"Oh, yeah, it's 8-25-26. The first two numbers represent my sister's birthday and the third number represents how old she is. There is a phone number inside the box and when you call it tell her 'remember the day' for me. She'll know what you're talking about." She informed me about the lock. Since when did Shannon have a sister?

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