Chapter 12

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When she got to the bottom of the steps she turned on the light. Another shadow appeared from the top of the stairs. The shadow was a little larger than the girl's shadow. The guy who I thought was knocking at the door was standing next to her. Well, that's what I thought. The shadow kind of looked like the ghost thing I was talking to before outside. Of course, I thought. He couldn't have been the little girl because he couldn't be in two places at once and if he was a demonic entity he would have killed me already. I was right, I needed to know what the little girl's plan was now that I know the plan for the other guy. He just wanted me dead. I had just remembered that my basement had an echo, so if you dropped something you would hear it coming from all around you. I used that to my advantage.

"Hey, little girl? What's your name?" I asked with a hesitant sounding voice.

"I will tell you and once I do I will find you and kill you."

"What's your favorite color?" I asked to try and distract her from thinking about killing me. I also asked her because I needed a plan and if I stalled her, maybe I could actually be able to get out alive.

"The color of your blood spilling onto the floor." She replied. My eyes opened wide because hearing it come from (what I think was) a little girl, was terrifying.

"You need me." Not realizing the words that had slipped out of my mouth. Damn it. I don't have a reason, I don't even know if she has a weapon. I peered my head out a little to see her. She looked different from the way she had looked when I opened the door.

She looked all around as if she could see in the dark. She slowly turned to where I was hiding. I jumped back to make sure she didn't see me, if she could actually she in the dark. When I jumped back I had slapped the wall behind me. I endured the pain, I heard footsteps coming my way.

"I'm going to see if he is over here." I heard her say as she came closer to me. I wondered how she was going to kill me because when I had looked at her before she had nothing in her hands. When she saw me lying on the floor puling against the wall. What was she going to do to me? Was I going to die here, in my own basement? Seriously?

She moved closer to me and then looked back at the guy who I was talking to outside earlier. She shook her head and added, 

"He's not over here boss. I think a box just fell." She then shot me a quick glance. She helped me? I thought about it for a few minutes while she was telling him that she was just going to check the entire basement. She didn't want to kill me, he did. If he wanted to kill me, then why was he making her look for me? Was he going to make her kill me? But, she just saved my life. I looked towards my left to see if I could see what was going on. I found a small area in between a few boxes and quietly moved over to the area.

"Well he's not here." She replied to him with a raging attitude.

"He has to be down here. I know you heard him talk earlier. He was talking to you!" He yelled back at her.

"Well did you ever think that he could have escaped by now?" She shouted and turned her back at him in annoyance. I faintly heard her say under her breath "Smart ass."

"Fine, we'll leave. Come on, let's go." He hand motioned her to come with him. I was so relieved that he was leaving and I was going to live for a little bit longer. I, still staring at her to make sure that they left, saw her wink at me.

She was on my side.

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