Chapter 7

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The urge to take a picture of these people on my phone. I wanted to see what my mother saw. Why doesn't she see them? Is there something wrong with me or my mother?

While driving home, I noticed that there were a lot of people on the sidewalk and my mother kept asking me what I was looking at. Every time she asked, I responded with "The people." I would then turn my head and notice that her face looked confused and concerned for me.

"Don't you see them? They are standing everywhere!" I shouted without hesitation.

"Brian, I don't see any people! These streets are empty, for God's sake there is not even people on the road!" She yelled and pointed at the road.

Why can't she see what I see? It doesn't matter, I have a lot of research to do. I don't have to go to school for a week because I died and came back to life. The only thing that sucks about not having to go to school is, I had a lot of homework the next week. I really didn't want to go back to school. I needed to find out what this was.

What is going on? I mean I died, wait. My eyebrows raised, jaw dropped, and ran into my room to get to my computer.

When I got there, I knew what I was searching for, literally. I typed in "Ghost" and my heart started to jump from beat to beat, faster and faster. Then a link popped up, it was Wikipedia. I slammed the mouse.

As screen was loading, my bedroom door slammed with the fury of a thousand men. I jumped out of my chair when I had heard the sound and saw what exactly closed the door. I didn't know what it wanted. I stared at it. I couldn't move, I sat there helpless. What was I going to do? What did it want? It slowly moved toward me.

"Who, who, who," I stuttered multiple time before finally asking the question. "Who..... what, what are you?" I didn't break the horrifying eye contact but, I did stand up and start to walk back wards. He, it, mumbled but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I started to wave my hands around to feel for the walls, once I did I opened my two door closet.

I had a secret pocket knife on the shelf. I tapped the top of it about a thousand times until I finally gave up looking for it. He swung his hand at my arm, it was my pocket knife in his hand. My arm gushing blood, I screamed. My mother ran up the stairs to my room.

"What happened?!" She screamed with complete terror. I looked down, my pocket knife in my hand. It was covered in blood. She went up to me and ripped the knife from my hand. She ran into the bathroom, grabbed a bandage kit, and wrapped it around my arm. I couldn't tell if she was upset, mad, angry. She told me to lie down and rest.

She went down stairs and got onto the phone. I think she was talking to a doctor, she said I was going on Wednesday.

Zap. The computer was going crazy. It was flashing pictures, creepy pictures. The last thing that popped up on the computer wasn't a picture, it was a video. A video of me sleeping.... in the hospital.

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