Chapter 3

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I know what you're thinking, "Why the hell did it take you such a long damn time to get into the actual story!?" Well, here's where it begins.

"Shannon, I'm telling you. There is something in the woods, really! Why don't you believe me!??" I yelled at Shannon at the lunch table.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that... Well I've lived here since I was little and I've never seen anything weird or strange in those woods. I bet you $50 that it's just your over-active imagination going off the chain."

"Jordan! You believe me right?!" I almost turned completely red because I just fell like nobody listens or believes me anymore. As if my father's death made everyone's ears fell off. Anyway, Jordan looked up at me with a full mouth full of spaghetti from home and asked "What?" I laughed, my anger was gone and I kind of felt better. I was explaining the event that happened in the woods, well dream thingy.

"Jordan, what I was saying was, ever since I moved here I have been having weird dreams. Dreams about me walking into the woods and never walking out. I would wake up outside on the ground two feet away from the woods. I'm telling you both, this isn't just dreams!"

"Brian, look I'm going to have to agree with Shannon here. This is you just sleepwalking nothing else. Trust me, I had a cousin sleepover for a week one time and he would stand up in the middle of the night, walk into my bedroom, wake me up and then fall into my bed. Then I had to sleep on my couch. He just had a sleepwalking problem."

How the hell and I going to get them to believe me? I mean it's not like some impossible math equation. This is as real as me, unless I'm not real... am I in the Matrix, do I need to unplug myself from here? Sorry, getting off topic. This is getting really annoying.

"Fine. I'll conduct an experiment, I will lock my bedroom door. Hide the key behind one of my favorite books on my bookshelf and if I appear outside tonight, I will walk over to both of your houses and prove you wrong." I will start thinking more into this experiment later, when I'm home.

"That's a good idea and all but, you have school tomorrow. Did you forget it's Monday?" Shannon was right, this experiment should be tested Friday or Saturday night. There was only three things that could go wrong with entire plan.

1. What if this sleepwalking/dream/life experiment stops before I can test it,

2. Since I'm new here my mom is probably going to drag me along to one of those "Welcome To The Neighborhood" parties.

3. Something could happen to me. I mean, what if I actually get stuck inside the woods, what if it isn't a dream and it's me having Déjà Vu?

This is starting to freak me out, really.

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