Time To Do Something Right.

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You sat there thinking about Marco and how he saved your child. Eren still holding you and whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you sobbed.

"If there is was a way to save him like how he saved Carla" you whispered Eren let go of you and looked you in the eyes.

"Maybe there is away" he smiled you gave him a confused look.

"If you can reach me in my sleep wouldnt that mean you could reach others?" Your eyes widen you never thought about that.

  "I never thought about that" you smiled and he lifted his eyebrow which is something he always did and well it was so attractive.
  "I'll wake up and grab some people be ready to enter all our dreams ok" you nodded a huge smile on your face.

"We are going to save freckled Jesus" you sang out loud. If it wasnt for him you would of never knew you could talk to Eren and this world would be boring just sitting here waiting for your daughter to be born.

As you were deep in thought you were thrown out onto the wooden floor of the room as Eren jumped off the couch alittle to fast and slipped on the floor face planting you laughed he got up and scurried out of the room.
"Lets do something right for once" you yelled at him as if he could hear you.

-Eren's P.O.V-

When we came up with the idea to involve others I ran as quick as I could to my car. I heard the little voice of the child saying "Momma?"

But it disappeared as fast as it came. I could only assume it was Carla my little girl... our little girl. I ran to my car dropping the keys a few times as I tried to unlock it once opened I got in and drove as fast as I could to Mikasa's house. Once there I ran inside without knocking because she said that I was always welcomed.

"Mikasa" I yelled she looked from you stop at the computer "yes Eren."

  "I need you to go to sleep" she gave me a confused look.

"When I call you I need you to get into bed and go to sleep understand" she nodded giving me a 'are you fucken nuts' look but didnt question me. I ran back out to my car and drove all the way to Armins house.

He was outside cutting his grass I ran up and grabbed him by the shoulder "um hi Eren..."
He looked at me scared "Armin listen when I text you I need you to go to sleep ok" he nodded.

I did this to about 5 or so other people. Once done I went back to the hospital and ran into her room. "Done" I smiled at her and sent a mass text before ploping myself down and closing my eyes.

-Your P.O.V-

He was done and as soon as he plopped down alot of curtains opened up around you with names on top of them. There was Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, and Levi. You decided to go into Levi's dream first since he was the one who helped help you save Eren from marrying Annie.

-Levi's Dream-

He was taller then everyone else and laughed "Whos short now" "we are Heichou" everyone shaked. You went up and tapped him on his shoulder bringing him into a white room.

"Oi brat what the hell I was finally taller now im back to shortness again" he looked pissed you ignored him and went into Jean's curtain.

-Jean's Dream-

Jean was walking around doing really nothing but there was horses everywhere with Eren face on them he went up to one and whispered "whos a horse now" with that you pushed the anger down and slapped his shoulder sending him into the room that Levi sat in the corner pouting.

"What the fuck" Jean yelled you just ignored him and went onto the next curtain.

-Mikasa's Dream-

Mikasa laid in a garden with butterflies all around her and she smiled she was in peace in her dream no stress what so ever. "Mikasa" you asked walking over to her she shot up and looked at you.

"(Y/n)" she smiled and hugged you bringing her into the room to with everyone else Levi, Jean, Armin, Sasha, and a pissed off Connie he was having a dream about Sasha so lets leave it at that.

"I got one last person then i'll explain why you are all here" you smiled skipping off to get the boy you loved.

-Eren's Dream- -His P.O.V-

I sat there with a tiny child in my hands she had my eyes and they were huge and beautiful.
"I cant believe your mine" I smiled it was just me and her until (y/n) walked in she looked at me then the little girl that laid staring into my eyes as if she was staring into my soul.

"I got everyone" she smiled I nodded setting the little girl into the crib. "Lets go" I said and grabbed her hand sending us to the all white room there was pissed off and confused looks.

"Why the hell am I here (l/n) and Jaeger" Jean huffed.

"Because we are on a mission" (y/n) smiled.

"what is that" Armin asked shorta confused.

"You all know Marco right" she said with a light tear falling from her face.

"Of course we do he was one of our cadets" Levi snorted.

"He was dragged down to hell with a bitch and we need to save him" I said for her as I could see the pain in her eyes from the mention of him.

Everyone looked at me as if I was crazy. "Guys listen I know your all confused and scared right now. You have no idea what is going on but you have to listen to me. Because that man saved my unborn child from a physco bitch if it wasnt for him my child would be dead and they would of pulled the plug on (y/n) already. Which would make them both die and I would be one lonely dick who couldn't do anything to help any of them but this man did and in the process was brought down to a place he doesnt deserve to be. Now you can sit here and bitch wake up if you want to but dammit please help out the guy who helped me out so even if you don't want to help then walk up like the cowards you are".

Everyone mouths dropped and Mikasa stepped forward "im in." was all she said Armin followed suit and so did the rest but Jean he stood there speechless.

"Horse are you going to help or not" he looked up and a tear was visible.
  "Marco was my bestfriend of course im going to help" he stepped forward everyone on board for once we could do something right.

A/n: Save him guys!

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