Standing With The Chosen One

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"Welcome to Hell bitch" the voice was a clear as ever you heard it every time you got back to your grandmothers house.


"What did I say about having your friends over bitch" Garry snarled his breath recked of beer.

"Not to have them over" you rolled your eyes. Mikasa just left a few minutes ago but not before kicking Garry in the gut for touching her he was gonna throw her out the door.

"Then don't bring them here again" he spat in your face snickered and left to drink with his buddies.

"Asshole" you whispered as you walked to Mikasa's house.

-End of Flashback- 

Before you could get away he grabbed you hugging you back close to his body.

"What's this" he felt your stomach.

"You and the village snot got busy I see" his nails scraped the bump drawing blood... in possible you can't bleed he smiled.

"You know you put all your friends life's in danger?" You looked around and saw Sasha being dragged by the hair Jean locked in the horse stall.

Only people you didn't see where Levi, Mikasa, and Armin.

"Sir" some random person came up he looked a lot like Reiner but it couldn't be he's stills alive.

"What is it" Garry snarled.

"The blonde sir we can't touch him" Garry lifted a eyebrow "and why the hell not?"

"He's protected sir" Garry handed you off to Kitty who gladly took you inside hanging by the wrists next to... Marco.

Armin's P.O.V

I stood there surrounded by people I know must of them from history.

Then that asshole Garry made a appearance "and what is he protected by?"

"Some kind of sheild sir he seems as if he never sinned so he's immune to us" Garry rolled his eyes and walked up to me.

"Sir I wouldn't do that" the man warned "and why the hell not I'm dead anyway."

He reached his hand out to me "because of this sir" the little man moved out of the way and showed the guy who tried to capture me earlier.

"What the hell Mike" Garry yelled in horror and moved away from me quickly. The man known as Mike stepped forward missing almost every body part but a leg and torso with the top part of his head missing.

"It seems if we touch him we basically turn into nothing" the little man explained

"So basically we can die in hell" Garry yelled

"Only if we touch that kid sir" tiny said. Were Mikasa and Levi when you need them.

Mikasa's P.O.V

"Levi we have to help him now" I hissed from the top of the building we now sat on watching as the demons surrounded Armin.

"Tch leave it Ackerman they can't touch him so they are surrounding him for no reason what so ever" I swear I want to punch his face in so badly right now.

"They have (l/n), Braus, Kirstein, and Springer they don't have the protection Arlert has" he's right and Eren doesn't either and I know that for a fact.

"So we save them first" he nodded "only thing is we don't know we're they are held" a question floated in my head.

"Wait what about Marco wouldn't he have protection" Levi looked down then replied.

"No Bodt was a good man but we all sin" with that he got up and went back the way we came. We all sin yea right look at Armin I thought to myself.

Eren's P.O.V

"(Y/n)" I looked as I saw her with her wrists above her head Kitty sat in a chair in the corner of the room.

She clicked her tongue "so Eren did you miss me" she questioned. No I hate your gutts you bitch I screamed in my head.

"Yea" I lied she smiled.

"You know I saw on my way to see you the day of the accident" she looked at me to see my reaction I did nothing but gave her a blank stare.

(Y/n) groaned out of frustration but didn't say anything.

"I was coming to see you and confess my love for you" she smiled I felt like I needed to vomit.

"But well thinking of my speech I wasn't paying attention then one thing lead to another now I'm here" she walked over to (Y/n) and ran a figure across her neck.

  "When Garry comes back we can get our revenge you ruined our lives now we will ruin yours" she turned to me.

"And I can make you mine" she's smiled that was enough to send me over the edge and my cage stank after words. I could never imagine being with her even if (Y/n) didn't make it the thought of being with Kitty sickened me.

Especially the way how she talked about the woman who's carrying my child and who I love deeply. I looked over at her tears were falling down her cheeks as she bawled.

If I could I'd wake up but I'm not in the real world I'm literally in hell. Marco stood there his wrists glowed white.

"What the hell" he looked at me "the chosen one is here" he smiled.

"Chosen one" he smiled and nodded "the one who can't be touched once he enters hell none can touch him only people he chooses can" what the hell is going on here "he was chosen by the power above for not sinning"

"Armin" (Y/n) whispered. Armin...

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