Auntie Mikasa

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Your P.O.V

It was so amusing watching Mikasa's actions after finding out she is going to be a auntie. First she was mad, then happy, finally confused.

"When did you, you know did the nasty?" she said choking out the 'nasty' part Eren replied by showing two figures.

  "Eww!" she stood up and walked to the other
side of the room.

  "When we were in the subway station is when I think she conceived." Eren said converting his glaze back to you.

"How I mean me and Armin were there almost.... Wait a second was that why Armin looked terrified when I came back from getting the cooler?"Eren blushed then nodded.

"So he walked in..." another nod. "Eww man why the heck would you eww!"
You were on the ground now full out busting your gut laughing you know if you could burst a gut. Another movement was felt and you stopped to fell it.

"Sorry for waking you" you whispered.

Eren P.O.V

"Eww" Mikasa keep going on and on about when and how she got pregnant. So I told her the whole story. Even the part when Armin walked in because well the questions were getting annoying.

I finished the last of my onion rings and finished with when she walked into the train.


"Shit" I rolled off of her as Armin ran out of the train screaming at the top of his lungs.

"He's gonna never look at us the same again" she giggled as she threw her clothes on quickly combing her hair with her figures.

I got changed and to made  it look like nothing had happened. Siting down on the couch and pulled her close to me wrapping a blanket around us turning my phone on and watching random cracks of ((your favorite anime)) she leaned her head on me. Mikasa came through the door smiled and put the cooler down to start putting food away.

-end of flashback-

Mikasa then cracked a small smile "can I be godmother? I can teach the child all the badass moves I learned in the short time I was in the corps" I smiled slightly and looked back at (y/n).

"I don't believe she would have anything against that." Tears started to fill my eyes once again.

Your P.O.V

"Can I be godmother? I can teach the child all the badass moves I learned in the short time I was in the corps" you giggled and put a hand on Mikasaz

  "Of course you can Miky" you smiled.
As you remembered the childhood nickname you had given her.

  "I don't believe she would have anything
against that" Eren said with tears slipping down his face you tried to wipe them off but to no use.

"I don't." you whispered without a second thought in your mind Mikasa will be the child's godmother, and you will tell Eren that in his sleep and you have the perfect godfather picked out.

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