Saving You

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Armin soon became that normal boy with the ocean blue eyes again he turned and smiled at his friends who stood there with their mouths ajared.

"What are you stareing at" he asked confused.

"Armin you killed that demon" he turned and looked.

"I guess I did" he snickered the normal timidness gone out of him. Mikasa looked at him in horror her best friend had just killed a demon yea I mean a demon but still it shocked the hell out of her and he doesnt even seem to care.

The goldest glow went back in his eyes as he opened the door.

"Follow me and stay close" he said in a voice that nether her or Levi had never heard before. They followed the blond and could hear screaming .

"(Y/n) are you alright" they heard Connie ask.

"N ahhh" fear went threw their eyes when they heard.

"The child is coming" "Marco" Levi said under his breath. The screaming stopped and instantly a laugh was heard.

"Shes fine I just knocked her out to stop the early labor" they heard Marco say as they got closer. Armin opened the door his eyes glowing bright gold.

"What in the name of hell are you" Kitty shot up from were she laid laughing at the girl in pain.

"Hunny or should I say bitch im your fucken worst nightmare" the blond smirked as clouds of dust spread the room. Within seconds the group of people were gone and Kitty was nothing more then dust.

They ended up on the roof of the building (Y/n) still passed out. Levi smacked Eren on the back of the head.

"Ah what the fuck was that for" the burnette asked rubbing his head.

"Tch I judt take my anger out on whoever is closet" Levi crossed his arm. Armin handed (Y/n) to Eren so he could get a now hog tied Sasha and a trapped Jean. Marco said he could help but Armin refused for he cant be touched and Marco could die again.

Once Jean and Sasha were saved Marco took Armins hand he freaked out at first but Marco told him to repeat what he was saying and he did a dark white portal appeared and they told everyone to hurry Garry and the demons were coming they did as told and soon were out of hell in the white room they had came from leaving the bastards behind.

A/n: More chapters today :3 atleast two more today.

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