Hey Eren

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Eren's P.O.V

Mikasa stayed for about another hour before leaving. I may only be (Y/n)'s boyfriend but the hospital let me stay because well I'm the only family her and our child have left.

Other then her grandmother although their relation is merely of a adopted child but her grandmother treated her as blood. I leant into her ear and whispering.

  "Hope to see you" with that I got up going to my suitcase that Mikasa brought grabbing a pillow and blanket laying them across the couch and falling asleep.

Your P.O.V

Mikasa finally left I mean you loved her and all but you really wanted to speak with Eren. He whispered "hope to see you" and went to lay on the couch. With that you gladly jump off the bed erased your mind focusing only on him resting you hands in his hair.

-Eren's dream-

His dream was a memory it was of you two when you were around 13 playing video games you killing him in GTA like 10 times, because he keep using all his ammunition killing CPU's thinking they were you.

You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around him taking you guys back to that empty room he turned and hugged you tight.  "You made it" you giggled and pushed him playfully.

"Of course I would" he chuckled and hugged you again.

  "Do you wanna dream up a house" you lifted your eyebrow at him.

  "Wait I can do that?" he questioned causing you to giggle.

"Of course your in control we can live the
pregnancy out in your dreams from buying a house to setting up the nursery!" he laughed, those where the little things he wanted to do with you when he first found out you were bearing his child.

  "Ok what should it look like" you crossed your arms thinking of different ideas.

  "Whatever you want us to be in" he smiled
and a light red house appeared it was a one level house with a weeping willow tree in front of it.

"Whoa this is so pretty!" you said in awe.
  He hugged you from behind resting his head on your shoulder.

  "Mikasa came and visited today" he smiled
you remembered that you wanted to talk to him about that so you twisted your body so your facing him.

"I know I wanted to talk to you about her being godmother."

"O I'm sorry I'll tell her no if that's what..." you cut him off with a kiss and smiled.

  "No I want her to be the godmother and Armin the godfather will you ask him that for me"? He nodded and smiled but soon the dream faded away as he woke up.

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