Dreaming of You

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Eren's P.O.V

I sat there my eyes growing heavy but I didnt want to sleep incase she awoke. Sure the doctor told me there was no chance of that happening. But I held out hope because hope is all I have left. My eyes soon got the best of me I rested my head on her arm.

"Please wake up be a parent with me" I whispered drifting off to sleep.

Your P.O.V

You stood there not moving watching him fight off sleep.

"Eren go to sleep" you whispered in his ear as if he could hear you. Marco came into your view.

"You know you can communicate with him as he sleeps" he said looking at the boy.

You looked at him "how?"

The brunette freckled boy smiled.

"Put your mind to it." He walked over to Erens sleeping form and kneeled by it.

  Okay this angel is high or something but you were determained to talk to him. So you silenced your mind putting your hand on his shoulder and gasped as you were now in a completely different place.

-Eren's Dream- Still Your P.O.V

You were in his house his childhood home. He was sitting on the couch with a girl. You stepped forward and notice the girl was Mikasa.

"Why dont you just tell her?" Mikasa asked him.

  "What if she doesnt feel the same then I would look like a fool..." you looked at them they both looked around 12 at this time.

  "Ah come one I know she would love to hear you say that!" Mikasa smiled then the scene faded out to a random place you had never been Eren is 17 (( just in the book )) he looked your direction and smiled running up to you.

"(Y/n)!" he yelled engulfing you into a bear hug a single tear felled from your eye "Eren".

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