Hey we need to talk

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A/N im ending the book here sorry guys I just dont know what to do...
Levi:Oi dont mess with them brat
Me:Levi shut up your gonna ruin the fun *pouts*
Eren:Wait I want to see Kitty die *sets popcorn down with sad face
Me:*Hugs* I was only kitting
Levi:*Smacks my head* Get back to the story Alaina
Me:Fine ruin all the fun why dont you....


Eren's P.O.V

Ok so I got ahold of Kitty hopefully gonna get it threw her thick skull that I dont like her and never will. I sat on the park bench waiting for her when Armin came and sat next to me.

"Well your Kitty problems are over" I looked at him with joy in my eyes.

"Because she died in a car crash earlier this morning." my face felled a feeling of remorse came across my face at how excited I was when he told me I didn't have to worry about her anymore.
But mostly because it reminded me of (y/n) and how she sat there basically lifeless in the hosiptal with our unborn child. Then a dream I had last night flashed across my eyes.


"Do you Eren take this woman as your wife?" We had decided since we couldnt marry in real life we would marry in the dream world.
She wore a beautiful white dress her bump showing threw it and she smiled as I said.

"I do" with that we were pronounced man and wife.

We kissed a kiss that I had been  waiting for centuries to have. The kiss that sealed our marriage even if it was just a dream.

-end of dream-

I looked at Armin and smiled telling him all about my dream he chuckled and told me that when she wakes up I was to go and find the biggest fattest dimond ever. Not a doller store happy face ring and get on my damn knee not having a shitty Garrison interrupt me and ask the girl to marry me.

I smiled knowing that he was right so I got up took his hand and ran as fast as I could to the nearest jewelry store to pick out a ring. Because even if she doesnt wake up I still have something to reminber my love for her.

Your P.O.V

You felt the baby move around and you set your hand there just feeling every move.

"You will most likely be your fathers child with all the wiggles your making." you giggled.

Eren left a hour ago and left the news on "Kitty Cater a 19 year old girl was found dead today in a fatal car accident with a truck more details later."

"Well bitch I won" you felt sorta bad for saying that but after what she would say to your unconscious body you didn't care you hated her with a burning passion.

A/n Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and sorry for the tease note on the top :3
Eren: Kitty's dead finally she annoyed me *eats handful of popcorn*
Me:Yep she annoyed me so I disposed of her *evil smile* Now give me some popcorn!
Eren:No mine *starts running*

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