(Alternate Ending) You Will Do Better Without Me

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A/n: So I was asked for two endings and heres the Alternate one :3


I took Carla out of the room as they started to pull the plugs a tear slipped my eyes she wont be with me anymore and we just had a little girl together. The doctor came out and said sorry leaving the room with the now lifeless body of my love laying there. I gave Carla to the nurse and walked in "I love you so much you know" I whispered to her the look on her face was so peaceful.

-Time Skip-

We sat at the cemetary Carla three now and sat in my lap as we leaned against the grave marker and read a story. A woman came into view and smiled at us.
"Im sorry for your loss" she smiled as she walked to another headstone and set some flowers down before cleaning it off. I smiled and kept reading. Carla got up and walked to the woman.
"Hi im Carla" she smiled the woman looked at her.
"Zoey" ((if your name is Zoey change it or just keep it :3))
"Carla dont bother her shes visting someone" Carla looked at me.
"No its fine" Zoey smiled and held out her hand.
"Names Zoey, Zoey Erikson" I smiled and shock her hand.
"Eren, Eren Jaeger".

Your P.O.V

You stood next to your grave marker and watched the sight unfold.
"Be happy now Eren and ill see you when your time comes" with that you walked back into the white light leaving them to talk.


A/N: Ahh. Hope you guys liked it :3

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