Little Tiny Problem

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Your P.O.V

A month passed by and everything was going well Eren got out more and you were happy about that. You hated seeing him sit around dispressed. Your bump grew bigger as the months has passed you would draw random things on it with your figure when you were bored.

Marco would come and vist you along with your parents and unborn child. As you got to know your child you saw so much of Eren in her. She was so stubborn when it came time to go or she was so easy to angry. You found it cute.

Well today they promised a vist as you sat waiting drawing a invisible flower on your stomach a bright red light appeared not the normal white one Marco would come out of. A figure came out of it shackled and deranged looking.

  "We finally meet." the figure chuckled you backed away.

"No it can't be not you..." as the figure came into view your heart dropped it was... Kitty.
But her hair wasn't brown and she wasn't wearing contacts, no her real eye color was goldest brown and hair was red as blood.

"Oh but it is and you see its your fault I'm dead." a evil smirk played across her face.

"Not my fault your a shitty driver and besides what are you gonna do to me we are both kinda not in our bodies dumb bitch." she smiled again and pointed at your stomach.

"Oh I'm not here for you because well you are attached to your body I'm here for the only person in this room who isn't in their body."

"Carla" your eyes widen and you started charging at her trying to get her out of the room before Marco came.

No use she was hot to the touch another chuckle ecaped her lips.

"Hell makes you 100 times hotter doesn't it (y/n)?" A light behind you appeared as Marco stepped out.

"(Y/n) we are her..." He cut himself short as he saw the physco standing there a little voice could be heard coming from the light.


Kitty smirked "you took my man and his heart so Ill take something from you." she charged at the light but Marco swipped it away with a swift move of a hand.

She ran into him and they disappeared into the red light.

"Marco noooo!" you sobbed "Marco..." was the last thought that went through your mind before Eren walked back in.

Eren's P.O.V

I came back from Armins after a day full of being bums on the Xbox. I finally get to be with (y/n) again. As I entered the room something didn't feel right it felt of tension and sorrow somethings wrong.

I ran to the couch ploping myself onto it and laying down about 30 minutes later I was asleep.

-Dream- -Eren's P.O.V-

I was at the park playing with 11 year old (y/n) we were playing tag. I remember this day because I got a broken leg from running into the swings and getting flipped into a funny position. But before I could do the same thing in the dream she was there sitting on the swing arms out ready to catch me.

Now we were at our little house sitting on the bed tears streaming down her face. I held her tightly as she keeped crying.

"Whats wrong?" I asked stroking her hair.

She looked up her (e/c) eyes big and sparkly glossed with tears. I pulled her into another big hug rocking her back and forth until she calms down enough to talk.

She sniffled and said "Kitty."

My eyes widen I didnt think she would care for her but she went on.

"Come to kill our unborn child said that I took you from her now she was going to take something from me" my eyes widen afraid of what she was going to say next.

"But Marco stopped her by closing the light. She got him instead and now hes gone..."

Huge tears felled from her face and I couldn't do anything but comfort her rocking her gently. Before a light blurred my vision and a little voice was heard...


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