Its So Hot Down Here

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Sasha keepd on complaining on the heat "of course its going to be hot its hell" Jean snorted you giggled and thought well I warned you not to wear your full uniform. The thought of Eren came across your mind "be safe" you whispered.

Eren's P.O.V

Great im in a cage in the depths of hell how the fuck am I gonna get out of here. I should of thought this threw more before I volunteered for this not thinking of away out.

Shoulda made the horse do it watch him sufur then me being here.

"Well look who we got here" a female voice came from the distance fuck no it cant be. She came out of no were gold eyes blood red hair it was her it was Kitty.

"You came for me ah this is a dream come true" she squealed. Well atleast I know they have to come this way to save me.

"What you thinking about baby your search party dont worry I have Garry after them" fuck Garry is here too .

"He already has one of them." the ugly bastard came threw the door with wait...

"Connie" I looked suprise I thought it was gonna be Armin I mean I love him like a brother but hes not very strong...

"Hey Eren" he smiled as Kitty threw him in a cage next to mine.

"What the fuck man how the hell did you get caught" he had a huge pink spot flash on his face.

"Um well Sasha had to take half her uniform off and well ummm... I got distracted."

Dammit Connie "not only her but Mikasa and (Y/N) stripped to their tank tops and it was a great show even Levi was staring."

I rolled my eyes pervs. "(Y/N) is here how wonderful" Kitty smirk grew I turned to Connie.

"How far are they from here" as I did I looked at Kitty and she was just staring at my shirtless body.

"Dammit Armin" I swear under my breath.

"Well it didnt take long for that ugly bastard to bring me here so I dont believe they are that far away." Garry snickerd and Kitty giggled

"We can get our revenge on that bitch" they high fived leaving us in the room.

"We cant die right?" Connie asked scared "you can die if they kill you."

We stopped and looked off to the corner of the room and there was a man chained to the wall

"If you die out of body you cant recover and you will die in your sleep."

"W-who in the h-hell are you?" Connie stuttered.

"Names Marco Marco Bodt" my eyes widen.

"You saved my unborn child!"

he smiled "yes but im afraid that if (Y/N) is killed well here her and the child will die in the real world" my eyes widened what the hell did we just do....

Your P.O.V

We been walking around for what seem like hours listening to Jean bitch about how hot it is all us girls in tank tops and shorts well the guys were topless.

I love Eren but dam Levi has a nice body you smiled to yourself then turning to blush hoping no one saw you. The only person who didnt have any trouble with the temp was Armin he had this shorta glow to him that seems as if he couldnt be touched.

"Armin arent you hot" you tilted your head "no its odd" you thought then asked "have you ever sinned"

he smiled "no I just read my books" maybe if you dont sin you are immune to hell... but you shock that thought out of your mind thinking it was crazy but maybe it wasnt he could be our secret weapon here you smiled and felt a light kick.

"You must be hot in there" you smiled talking to your bump. Jean keeped moaning about the heat "can we just go its no use we are never going to find them."

He stopped as the sight that was infront of him was horific "Jean are you..." you stopped as you saw souls hanging by their wrists.

You gasped but remembered that they had to have done something evil to deserve this but it still made you feel alittle bad for them. Their names hung above them and there was some chains missing.

"Kitty and" you squinted to read the other name "Garry" Levi was looking around to see if there was anything then yelled.

"Guys there is a building behind them" you followed everyone to were the short man stood. Sure as hell there was a black building behind all the lost souls.

You manuver your ways threw them you saw so many people some you reconized for history and some you never seen before. As you got up to the building a whisper was heard.

"Welcome to Hell bitch" no....

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