Your Choice But Choose Quickly

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Oringal Ending Alternate after this page.


You stood there watching as Eren was rocking Carla her looking him straight in the eyes. A smile creeped on your face thinking what a great father he would be. "You have to make a disicion and quickly before the doctor comes back in" you stared at the child and Eren. A light started coming up behind you and you knew what you wanted to do.

Eren's P.O.V

"Sir we need you to leave the room so we can do what we have to do" the doctor informed me I nodded and left looking back at the love of my life.

I walked out with Carla and went into the nursery. A few minutes later I heard screaming and doctors running out of the room.

"This isnt possiable" I handed Carla to a nurse and ran out.

"Whats going on" I yelled as I ran to the door

"Sir you cant go in there" a nurse held me back.

"Where's my baby" I heard a voice yell from the room I knew the voice.

"(Y/n)" I whispered.

"I want my baby you bastards bring me my child" she yelled at a doctor he came out.

"Get the child" he told me I nodded and walked to the room grabbing Carla from her basket and walked her back. The doctor took her from me and walked in shutting the door behind him as I stood there in shock.

About a hour later they came out "you can go in" he smiled and I stepped into the room to see the most precious sight ever (Y/n) was holding Carla humming to her and looked up at me.

"Look whos here sweetie its daddy" she smiled. I ran up to her and hugged her from the side so I didnt hurt Carla. "But how" I whispered.

Your P.O.V

"I want to stay I want to be a mother and a wife some day" you whispered Marco smiled.

"Hurry then before the light engulfs us both. You started running to the body but stopped.

"Thank you" you whispered he nodded and the light engulfed him coming quickly to you. You stuck a hand into the now empty body and it was sucked you turned at the light and smiled.

"Not today" you whispered as the rest of you was sucked back into the body. When you woke up doctors were preparing to pull the plug you took a breath they looked at you in shock and confusion.

"Thats not possiable" some went running out and others stood there frozen.

"Wheres my baby" you asked they didnt answer so you started freaking out "where the hell is my daughter?!?"

You yelled a doctor walked out and after a few minutes came back in with a little pink bundle they handed her to you and you smiled

"You look so much like your daddy" and started to take and hum to her thats when Eren came in and hugged you asking but how which you explain to him happily that you can be a family now.

-Time Skip because I can-

Three years passed and your now in your late twenties with a three year old little girl who loved you to death. You and Mikasa had a lot to talk about so you left Carla with Eren and Armin to go visit her.

"So whos the man" you smiled and nudged her she blushed.

"Well I dont really know if I want to tell anyone yet he has a past" you smiled "if you like him Mikasa and he treats you well I will like him to."

She smiled "his name is Jordan we meet when I arrested him for robbing Target and well after jail time he got ahold of me and asked if I would like to go on a date I refused at first and thought it was kinda weird that a guy I arrested was asking me out but he cleared his name actually getting a job he then showed up on my doorstep I got pepper spray and well sprayed him because I thought he was going to kill me. But after the fact and he was on the ground I looked at his hands and there was roses and chocolate I felt horriable and let him in cleaning him up he told me all the stuff he did to clean himself up from his pass." she smiled

"I asked him why go threw all the trouble for someone who arrested him he smiled and said 'because I never meet anyone so beautiful and besides you were the one to make me change my life around' the rest was history" you smiled .

"Thats such a sweet story Miky" she hugged you

"Im so glad you stayed I dont know what I would of done if you didnt and how Eren would be it would of destroyed him" you laughed "I would of never left you know she nodded "I know" a text came in on your phone.
Eren: Meet Me and Carla at the park please

Mikasa smiled "go" she pushed you out the door and you laughed as you started to walk to your car.

You: Be there in a minute

You got to the park and looked around Carla came running up to you.

"Mommy" the little girl giggled. You laughed and picked her up hugging her.

"Hey baby" she told you to close your eyes so you set her down and did as you were told. She guided you to a tree and told you to open your eyes.

A large weeping willow was infront of you with rose pedals all around setting a beautiful sight. Candles where lit around the trunk and you looked down at Carla as she smiled big.

"Whats this all about baby" you asked a pair of arms wrapped around you and hugged you.

"Turn around and find out" the person whispered in your ear and let you go. You turned and saw him on one knee.

"Now that we dont have to run anymore and there is no on who will stop me from doing this I want to know once and for all will you be my wife and marry me" a tear slipped your eye and you nodded violently.

"Yes, yes Eren I will" he smiled and Carla cheered. You dont have to run from someone you dont want to marry anymore because the person you do want to be with just proposed.

Cheers eruped and your friends came out from behind the tree you laughed as they threw flower pedals at you as Eren pulled you into a loving kiss.

"Im glad you didn't leave me" he whispered you smiled.

"I'm glad I didnt".


Alternate ending after this but hope you guys enjoy :3

Love you my Lovelys! <3


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