Waiting For A Update.

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A/n: Titles missleading I know but dont worry this is a chapter!

But I would like a little time to rant just for a sec if you dont want to hear if just skip this little intro into the chapter but I was on shamchat as my Oc and I ran into a Jean and they told me Oc's are gay its like dude just leave if you dont like Oc's just leave dont insult me.

Thats all Enjoy the chapter.


Everyone stood there stareing at Armin your eyes flutter open as you see him standing there with all eyes on him.

"A-armin" you asked looking at the boy who now stood there terrified for dear life.

"I-I dont remember guys" he said tears sliding down his face."Guys whats going on" they looked at you and Eren engulped you into a bear hug. "

"You're ok" he smiled.

"of course im ok what happened" he looked at you then at Marco.

"To stop the labor I had to take some memory's she doesnt remember anything but being prego."

Everyone snickered at how he cut the word sort.

"Guys what happened" Mikasa tried to answer but slowly started to faded away.

Mikasa P.O.V

Fuck I woke up to Jordan my boyfriend that I had been keeping a secret from everyone. Only reason being is that he had a shaky passed and she was scared it would make her friends hate him...

He only been to jail once for shop lifting and weilding a weapon they meet when he was in court Mikasa was the officer that arrested him and well the rest was history.

Your P.O.V

Mikasa must of been woken up because well you didnt see her again. You converted your attention to the sight infront of your eyes.

"Guys he doesn't remember ok when he comes back to reality he doesnt remember a thing so stop asking the poor guy questions." Marco yelled at Jean and Levi who were pounding
Armins for answers.

Such as what the hell are you or are you even human the one that was asked the most was if he was God which Marco shut that down and just said he was chosen.

Everyone soon disappeared back into their normal lifes you turned to Marco and asked "how many months has it been?"

He looked at you "9 but you still have a few days to decide."

Eren's P.O.V

I woke up to a doctor checking my pulse "good evening Mr. Jaeger" he said looking into my eyes.

I put them in his face "what the hell man" I rubbed them.

"Sorry we came in here to check up on (y/n) we heard her screaming and assumed she was in labor in which case we would of had to perform a C section on her and saw you unconcious so we thought you died or were in a comma apparently it turned out your just a heavy sleeper." the man smiled and checked on (y/n)'s waste bag.

Changing them out I looked at the my phone and realized its been nine months.

"Damn does time fly by" I sat there remembering all the dreams from when I first saw her to when we bought the house and the wedding it was a wonderful wedding.

-flashback to dream of wedding-

She stood there in a white dress at the entrance of the church door wearing a white poofy dress that hid her bump and a smile brighter then the fricken sun. The music started playing Armin standing on my side and Mikasa standing were she will be. This was the best dream ever it almost felt real.

-end of flashback-

Nurses came running in as her body was doing violent jolts and sweat coming from it "(Y/N)" I yelled "get him out of here" the doctor ordered and the nurses rushed me out as I keeped yelling her name.


Shitty chapter I know kinda jumped all over the place but its slowly wrapping up to the end slowly :3 hope you guys like the story and story about my little rant!


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