How To Get Rid Of You?

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Kitty's P.O.V

I sat at home stalking Eren's twitter account to find something that would help me in my quest for his heart then a new tweet appeared.

@Jaeger_Boy: Hey I have a problem can any of you guys help me?

I smiled at it and wondered what his problem was.

@KittyMeowMeow: @Jaeger_Boy I could help you.

no respone then Mikasa replied to my tweet

@AckermanMikasa: @KittyMeowMeow Dude you're the problem!

My eyes burst out of my head and heat came to my face. Fuck you bitch I didn't write that because well she was his sister. So I didn't want to do anything that would upset her or Eren might not like me. I started playing with my (h/c) hair and looked at it.

"Ew why does he like her hair its so dull?" I missed my purplish pink hair but the things you do for love.

Mikasa's P.O.V

Bitch cant you see your the problem I started at her reply to Eren's tweet. I just stared at it then thought maybe I can get it through her head that he doesn't like her that way.

So I tweeted her that she was the problem. She didnt respond right away but then there it was a tweet.

@KittyMeowMeow: @AckermanMikasa Aw I dont see how im the problem I have done nothing wrong :'(

I looked at it and the anger was building up in me more although we really didn't get along as kids he is still my brother. Even though we are not blood I still want to protect him as a sister would. Also (y/n) she makes him happy and shes super sweet to everyone I have seen her come in contact with. So the rage finally came out and I yelled at the bitch starting a Twitter war.

@AckermanMikasa: @KittyMeowMeow Fuck off he doesn't like you at all he doesnt even want to be your friend anymore he belongs to @(y/n)inthehousebitches ((if you have a twitter just insert your name I put that there for people who don't have one :) ))

Serves the bitch right trying to take him from (y/n). If only I still had my titanic swords I would slice the bitch within seconds. Yeah the Survey Corps still used accent weaponry but they did the job.

Kittys P.O.V

I read Mikasa's tweet and laughed

@KittyMeowMeow: @AckermanMikasa Fuck off you worthless piece of crap he will be mine.

I sent it then realized something he could see it I went back to delete it but it was to late I was retweeted by @ArmintheCoconut, @Jeanishot @HalfofMeBodt and so many more! My eyes widen as my phone went off I answered it.

Kitty: H-hello?

Person: Guess what hes gonna see it and hate you... and thats exactly what you deserve.

The voice I knew it from anywhere...

Kitty: Mikasa.

Mikasa: Yea bitch stay away from my brother and his baby momma.

With that the line went dead I sat there in complete silence. How the hell am I gonna get out of this. I put on my red jacket and ran out there will be no way that bitch shows him! I plan on being there when that (y/n) bitch dies and I can have him to myself.

The thoughts so delicious and sweet I got to the hospital and ran up the stairs not even bothering to take the elevater. Once up I ran to room 104 ((Hehe see what I did there ;p )) he was there watching t.v I ran it yelling.

"Eren!" he jumped a little and I saw his hand holding hers my anger was being pressed down and a calmness came over me. He looked at me when I heard foot steps thats when I saw her Mikasa coming down the hall.

"Fuck" I whispered.
His beautiful eyes still locked on me confused. I shut the door and looked back at him with a sweet smile.

"Why do you look like (y/n)?" he questioned I kinda giggled and answered I do I didnt notice.
With that I walked to him and said that Mikasa was being a bully on twitter.

Eren's P.O.V

Some how the person I didn't want in here got here. She walked towards me and a sad face was worn.

  "Mikasa was sending me nasty tweets on twitter" She said with the saddest face she could possibly pull.

"Oh." I turned my attention back onto the tv.  But inside I was happy dancing hoping beyond hope that this means she will leave me alone.
The happiness was short lived when she cut my thoughts short as she planted a kiss on my lips.

The room became boiling again and I could tell (y/n) saw what was happening. I tried to push her away but her grip on my face was to strong! So I sat there doing nothing not kissing back waiting for the perfect time to bite her lip hard so she would let go.

Your P.O.V

"Bitch!" the bitch touched your man and you were having nothing to do with it.

So you charged at her and this time your energy was so strong you knocked her off her feet sending her flying. Her back hit the wall and she grunted at the sounded pain.

  "What the fuck?!?" she yelled.

Eren stood up and opened the door calling for security to come and get her. Two guards came in and before they took her away she yelled.

"You will be mine Jaeger!" Eren rolled his eyes and looked at Mikasa who was showing the girl her middle fingure before turning to Eren.

  She walked in and sat on the couch that Eren slept on. "What happened?" she pointed to the indent on the wall.

  "(Y/N) pushed Kitty off of me" he answered you smiled.

"I would push any bitch that touches you like that." you whispered in his ear you felt your stomach moved and rubbed it "you to sweetie."

With that you sat there listening to their conversation laughing as if you were included. You loved both of them Mikasa as a sister, and Eren as a lover they were both so great..

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