We are having...

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Eren's P.O.V

"Armin can we go back yet?" I moaned out of anger at the blonde.

"No you need to do more then sit in a dispressing hospital room!" he said still looking forward.

He had brought us to a amusment park but I didnt find any amusement in this.

  "Come on lets go on that one!" he pointed to the biggest coaster out of the whole park.

"Fine" I grumbled not really wanting to go. We got up to the line and there was two girls behind us whispering.

"Hey hes cute" one slid in front of us.

"Who the blond or the brunette?"

"The brunette silly!" She giggled and bite her bottom lip.

"I personally like the blonde." Her friend countered.

I rolled my eyes and moved forward in line. Once up Armin got into the car but a man in front of us got in with him... great I had to be sat next to the girl who thought I was cute well guess what I dont like you.

  She smiled at me then turned her head away.  "Can I help you?" I asked annoyed.

"No its just a hello smile is all" she said brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Listen I'm sorry if I snapped at you its just its been along week" I leaned back in the seat waiting for the damn ride to start.

"What happened?" she looked at me eyes big as if she cared. I rolled my eyes and looked around come on already.

"I'm so sorry if I asked something that was out of place" she looked down.

"No its fine its just..." I was cut off as the ride started. After so Armin invited the girl and her friend with us I didnt really argue. Because well her company really was helping me get over what had happen and I started liking her you know as a friend.

"Names Kitty" she smiled.

"Nice to meet you Kitty names Eren."

We exchanged numbers and I headed back to the hospital I may have made a new friend but no one can ever replace (Y/N) never.

Your P.O.V

The door opened and it was Eren you smiled as you saw him come in he was smiling a bit and that just made you even more happy. He sat down next to you and started talking about his day.

"So Armin dragged me along to the amusement park took me on some pointless rides." he looked at you and smiled.

"Then I meet this girl" your heart dropped did he find someone to replace you...

"I got her number but dont worry we are just friends." you smiled.

  But also know deep down if anything were to happen to you then well he would have to find someone to help with your daughter. you couldn't wait to tell him the gender when he goes to sleep. He leaned his head down next to yours and closed his eyes.

-Erens Dream-

Erens P.O.V

I was sitting on my old bed not hearing a sound and thats when I heard my father scream.

"Carla wake up dammit!" I ran into their room to find my mother on the ground.

"Eren call 911" my father yelled I remember this day it was the day I lost my mom we still dont know what happened but it was the worst day of my life. I ran to the phone and there she stood.

  "(Y/N)" I said and back to the little light red house we appeared. I hugged her tightly not wanting to let her go.

"Eren I have something to tell you" I looked at her worried she smiled and said "we are having a girl."

I smiled big she kissed my cheek and went on with what she was saying.

"I thought of a name when I saw your dream" my eyes widen "I was thinking of naming her Carla if you think thats ok."

  A tear slipped my eyes she looked worried and thought she said something wrong but I hugged her and whispered "perfect"

"Carla (Your moms name) Jaeger" she said the way it rolled off her tounge made me smile.

This is why I love her everything she does make me smile even if it was something some or stupid I just smiled because well what else are you suppose to do when your in love with a idiot but shes my idiot and im am hers.

I took her hand and lead her into the house we never got to see the inside of it because well Armin woke me up.

"Its so beautiful" she smiled and I whispered "not as much as you are."

  She let go of my hand and started wondering the place walking from room to room "it looks like everything we ever talked about in a home"


"I want a light red house one story three bedroom and two bathroom" she giggled. We were at her house in her room well Garry was out drinking at the time I thought he was her dad. "Haha three bedrooms why would we nee

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