Bitches Be Out

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Weeks passed after your first incounter with the she devil. The doctor would come in checking on you and the baby then leave. Armin had convinced Eren to go out for abit. While he was gone Mikasa would sit with you telling you all about life and the amazing guy she had met.

Never mentioning his name which annoyed you to no end. But from what she told you it seemed pretty serious. You were enjoying her company until a certain bitch came in.

"Why are you here Kitty?" Mikasa huffed.

"Here to pay my respects" Kitty smiled something had changed about her she had (h/c) hair now, and it kinda frightened you her eyes had new contacts in and they where (e/c).  "What the hell?" Mikasa looked at her then at you.  "Kitty are you a fucken physco?"

  Kitty smiled "no its just my new look you like it."

  "Bitch get out!" Mikasa yelled.

Kitty giggled "You cant make me."

  A doctor came in and looked at the girl then at Mikasa.

  "You family?" he asked Mikasa.

"Yes sister" she lied the doctor then looked at the phyco.

"If her wishes are for you to leave then you must obey to them"

Kitty rolled her eyes left "freak" Mikasa whispered.

  You nodded your head wondering what Eren would think if he saw the wannabe in that get up.

"I need to talk to him that bitch is up to no good." she looked back at you and smiles.

  "If he doesnt do anything about it then I will" you laughed thinking of what Mikasa could possibly do.

After awhile Eren and Armin came back Mikasa got up and took Eren's arm leading him outside. Armin shrugged and sat down talking about good books he was reading you responded to him even though he didnt know.

Eren's P.O.V

"Ouch what the heck Mikasa" I yelled grabbing my arm and rubbing it.

  "Have you seen Kitty lately?" she asked eyebrow raised.

"No last time I saw her let alone talk to her was a week ago." I replied still rubbing arm damn girl got a grip.

"What was she wearing and look like?" what kind of question was that she knows what Kitty looked like.

"Ah brown curly hair purple contacts and a navy blue dress with red slip ons." I only recall this because she took my phone at the park we went to with Armin, and took 100 photos of herself.

I feel as if there is something wrong with her but couldn't bring myself to what it was.

  "You need to stop hanging out with her" Mikasa sighed handing me her phone I looked at it Kittys twitter page was open and her profile picture looked like... (Y/N).

"What the fuck is this?" Mikasa started making the go on motion as I studied the page my eyes widen.

  "Is she trying to replace her?" she keeped doing the same motion.

"What the hell" it finally hit me Kitty wanted
me and she would stop at nothing to get me. She even started following (y/n) twitter page and it looked like she was copying her old tweets and posting them as her own. I mean they were literally posted under her name not retweeted. I need to get this phyco out of my life especially if I'm gonna be a good father.

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