Here I will sit and here I will stay...

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Eren's P.O.V

"Sir shes bearing a child" those five words dumbfounded me.

"W-what" I stuttered taking a breath I managed to say.

  "H-how far along?"

   "About a few weeks" my face dropped and my eyes wondered off towards her she looked so peaceful a tear slipped down my face.

"(Y/n) did you hear that your gonna be a mommy and well I'm gonna be a daddy." I smiled at her hoping she could hear.

"Sir you have two options" the doctor continued.

I wasn't paying much attetion but decided it was for the best.

"Whats that" I asked more tears falling from my face.

"Well we can pull the plug now and lose both or leave it in till shes full term we can keep giving her nutrion threw the tubes so the child can survive but I dont believe there is any chance for her."

I looked at her anger filling my face.

"I'll give you sometime to decided but we will need the answer soon we have many more patients, and if you decided full term then we will have to move her into intesive care."

I nodded motioning him to leave looking back down at her and whispering.

"We are gonna be parents." I kissed her forehead

Your P.O.V

You woke up in a white room it hurt your eyes.  "(Y/n)" a voice that sounded angelic said.

"Hello?" you called out terrified the last thing you remember was your mother stabbing you and seeing Eren cry.

"Welcome my dear child." the person came closer they worn a survey corps jacket and had freckles.

"W-who are you" you asked wide eyed they let out a laugh.

"Names Marco but everyone calls me freckled Jesus here." Here what is here?

"Where am I?" you asked scared of the answer.   

  "Welcome to the middle you have two choices." he walked over and pulled a white curtain that showed a stunning scene it had white clouds and a lovely pinkish purple sky.

Then he walked over to the other side of the room and pulled a curtain which behind showed a crying man by the side of a bed you looked closely and saw....

"Eren" you gasped as you saw the tealed eyed boy tears streaming from his face.

"You have 9 months to choose" Marco explained you looked at him.

"9 Months thats along time to choose." you yelled as he turned to walk away.

"Well you cant leave well bearing" he said you looked at him wanting to know what that meant but left before he answered.

"Bearing?" you questioned walking towards Eren's slumped form he was holding your hand infront of his face and silently cried the doctor came in a held papers.

"Sir whats your choose?" he looked at you then your stomach.

"I want her to live on... through our child" the words crashed threw your head you were going to be a mother and your basically on your death bed.

"No" you whispered if your were going to have a child you were gonna enjoy every part of it from picking colors to naming it, and you will find away to do so.

With that running through your mind you decided. That this is where you will stay for the 9 months before you have to decided to be a mother or be a angel.

Forget Me Not (Eren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now