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"There is some people I would like you to meet." Marco said pulling you into the light. It lead to a beautiful room the room had white furniture made out of clouds, and a pinkish purple tint was inluminated from the lights. 

"Who?" you asked looking around the beautiful room.

"Sit and you will see" he smiled you did as told and waited as he went throw a curtain with a brighter light if possible.

"(Y/n)" a female voice came from the distance you had never heard that voice before and well it kinda made you wonder who these people where.

  "Darling" a male voice beamed in ok what in the name of all things good is going on "mama" a little voice came your eyes widen.

"Whoa?" Marco came out with a woman and man who looked shorta liked you and following them was a little girl with teal eyes and (your hair color) pulled into piggy tails.

"Who are you" you stood up backing into the corner.

"(Y/n) meet your parents and unborn child" Marco smiled.

"Thats not possible" you said more towards the child part.

You were confused on how he got your child
and you didn't even know the gender.
"Darling it is possible" the woman your 'mom' said.

"No the child isnt even born yet so this is all fake your tricking me!" you yelled at Marco shocked head as the little girl came closer to you.

You examined her she looked around 3 she had Eren's eyes and nose, your mouth, ears and hair, Eren's forehead and chin. She stopped right infront of you and hugged your legs.

"I cant wait meet daddy" she smiled still attached to your legs.

  "H-how" you questioned still confused on how you could see the stunning little girl.

"Her body is still growing inside of you once down she will enter it." Marco smiled you nodded and bent down to pick the girl up then looked at your parents.

  "Why did you leave me?" you questioned with a hint of anger in your voice.

"We didnt have a choose sweet pea we were broke couldn't feed you and you were a adorable little giggly child. We didnt want you to suffer with us" your mother looked down as your father rubbed her back a tear falling from his eyes

"We worked for the palace and well they didn't pay well enough to support a child 5 dollers a day was our wage." he said choking on some tears. Your face dropped and the little girl nuzeled her head in the crook of your neck falling asleep.

  "So when we had you we tried to take care of you and failed so we went to the queen and king for a favor." your mother said.

"We asked if they could care for you they already had a one year old and we thought it would be nice for you to grow up with someone around your age." your father spoke up.

  "They agreed but under one condition you had to marry a prince not even they have met." your mother head was now hung low.

"We agreed knowing it was the best way for your survival and look what came out of it our beautiful granddaughter!" your mother chimed in you looked at the girl who has no name yet.

"Yea" then you looked at your parents.

"She doesnt belong to the prince though."
They looked at you confused "then who dear?" You sat there for hours telling them the whole story the whole time you did the girl was still in your arms sleeping away.

  "The father is not Irwin no his name is Eren... Eren Jaeger" your mother smiled and put a hand on your lap.

"You're as free willed as I was at your age."
You smiled handing the girl to her saying your goodbyes as Marco lead you out back to the room were you layed pregant with a adorable baby.... girl.

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