I Found Someone...

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-Time Skip-

A month has passed and your belly was much more noticeable. Mikasa would come by well Eren left with Armin dragging him out.

"Hey there" she smiled.

"Miky" you sat next to her well she continued talking.

  "I met someone well you already know him but yea we been seeing each other for a week now" she smiled faintly at you.

"Who you question" as if she heard you she blushed as she continues.

  "I will tell you when it gets more serious."
After a while of catching up she started talking about the child and how it was so cool that you were going to name her after Carla. After that she looks down silence felled until she spoke again.

"Has Eren told you about his new friend Kitty?" she questioned you looked at her paying more attention then you where before.

  "He met her at the amusement park a month ago with Armin she seemed to have taken a liking to him." she paused before speaking up again.

  "But he told her about you when she tried to kiss him last Sunday I bet he told you all about that huh." she smiled you didn't because he hasn't mentioned the girl once.

"She said she respected that but I thought I heard her whispered 'girls dying anyways' but just could of been by how angry I was from seeing her try to put the moves on my brother" she frowned looking away.

"I do hope the doctor is wrong about you..." a single tear pricked her eyes you hugged her tightly.

  "I sure hope so to Mikasa" with that she got up and left as you stood there tears falling.

"Why didn't he tell me about her"?

A/n: Hey guys sorry this was such a short chapter but I'm not in a real cheerful mood today to make it much longer... But I'm dedicating this chapter to a teacher who was killed over the weekend. I didn't have him but a lot of my friends did and seeing there grief and the grief of teachers is heart breaking. From what I heard he was a inspiration to a lot of students... He will be gravely missed by all. My thoughts and prayers go to his family.

Sorry for the short Chapter.


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