Come On You Need Fresh Air.

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Eren's P.O.V

"Crap" I muttered as I woke up it was about 6 a.m and I was in the middle of a great dream but nooo my body needed a bathroom break. As I walked to the bathroom I turned and saw the dawn lights dancing on her face illuminating her features.
"Ill be back" I whispered.

Your P.O.V

"Ill be back" he whispered as he walked into the bathroom you sat at the corner of the bed waiting humming random things that came to you.

The doctor came in and changed out the flooded bags and waste bags. Ugh how you felt like dead weight right now. They put in the feeding tubes as Eren walked in and sat down back on the couch he was sleeping. Watching their every movement make sure they didnt hurt you.

  As the doctor finished he layed down more relaxed and tried to go back to sleep in hopes to see you but sleep never came and he became frustrated.

Eren's P.O.V

"Sleep damn you." I muttered to myself but my damn eyes would not close for the life of me. So I ended up going back and sitting by her resting my hand on her stomach well turning on the t.v. I leaned down turns her stomach whispering.

  "Wanna watch some t.v with me?" to the baby even though I don't think it can hear me.

-Time Skip-

I watched t.v for over 2 hours its now 8 when Armin came in.

  "Hey Eren you need to come out and enjoy life"

I rolled my eyes "how I can I enjoy life with
whats going on right here?"

I looked down at her realizing my hand was still on her stomach and removed it quickly Armin still doesnt know that shes pregnant and I didnt quit want to tell him yet.

"Come on Eren you need fresh air shes fine here shes with wonderful staff that wont let anything happen to her".

Its true the staff was doing a wonderful job with taking care of her.

"Fine but only for a bit" I bit my bottom lip unsure if I'm making the right decision.

With that I got up bent down pecked her lips and walked out with Armin closing the door behind us.

Your P.O.V

Armin had conviced him that he should go and get fresh air and you were glad he did. You did not like to see him in here doing nothing but worry for you. He left the t.v on thank goddness the lonelyness gets boring.

  A bright light came and out came Marco.  "Marco" you smiled and stood up to hug him he smiled and huged you back.

"What are you doing here"? He smiled and took your hand leading you into the light.

"Theres some people I would like you to meet".

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