Baby Blues

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A/n Hey guys just alittle funny thought I work with kindergardeners for a intership XD anyways this little boy is named Levi so I nicknamed him Corporal and he laughs at it everytime he also likes to help clean... On with the book.

No no its cant be now we still have a few weeks no I cant lose her yet we have so much that we need to do in the dream house. Nurses came out the door rushing to the a room down the hall as doctors rushed her bed out.

"Sir we need you to stay here" I replied "no I want to see the birth of my child" they didnt disagree with me due to the fact that they were rushing.

I will be a father most likely a single one when this is over. The doors closed behind us.

-Time skip-

"Its a girl" the nurses cooed "shes so precious" they washed her off as they turned to me "what is her name" I smiled remembering the name (Y/n) told me.

"Carla (your mothers name) Jaeger" they looked at me then smiled.

"Thats so cute" one of them walked up to me holding out my baby girl I looked at (Y/n) our baby girl a tear slipped my eyes as the doctor said he would be back in a hour after he stitched her up and then the plug will be pulled.

The baby yawned and opened her eyes they were big teal eyes. "Welcome to the world Carla" I whispered.
Short chap. I know but the next one tonight will be the orignal ending then the alternate ending for those who wanted two endings :3 then the book is complete!!!!
Love you Lovelys!!

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